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Dad opens the door to the nurse's room and we enter, where Karter was waiting, but also their mom.

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I step into the room and the first thing I notice is Karter sitting upright looking at me and smiling, I smile back. "Karter!" I yell running over to them. "Alex!" They yell back. "Can I gig you?" I ask afraid to in her them anymore. "Sure!" They say and pull me into a hug. I bend over the bed and hug back.

"How are you?" I ask still hugging Karter. "I'm fine, except my sweater got stained." I could hear the sadness in their voice. I part them on their back reassuringly. "As long as your ok." I say.

"Aww, aren't you two cute." I can hear Karter's mother say. We both break the hug slightly embarrassed and I take a step back. "Were just good friends." I say and Karter nods there head. "If you say so." Karter's mom shrugs her shoulders.

"You must be Karter's mom, I'm Kristan." Mom says next to Karter's mom with an outstretched hand. The lad stands up and says. "I am, I'm Kate, and you must be Alex's mom." She says shaming Mom's hand. I sit down next to Karter as we watch the interactions between our parents. "I am, and this is my husband Phil." She steps back and testers to Phil. "Nice to meet you, Kate." He says and shakes her hand. "Same here." Karter's mom said.

"Now tell me, how did you do it?" Karter's mom askes. Mom and dad look at her confused. "How did you raise such a nice young lady?" Mom is surprised and is standing in place, probably thinking what to say. I see dad looking over at me. Karter's mom doesn't stop there. "I'll tell you, my mother couldn't raise me to be a lady like your daughter. I tried complimenting her but she would except-"

"Probably because your mistaken, ma'am." Mom speaks up. "What?" The lady askes confused but also in a rude way. Someone places a hand on my shoulder and I look behind me to see dad there. "We don't have a daughter." Dad says. I smile at him, and he smiles back.

Now the lady is defiantly confused. She keeps looking between me, dad, and mom. When she looks at Karter, Karter is looking down at their hands while playing with their nails, not ecnoldiging their mom. She clicks her young then walk towards the door. "I need some air." She says then leaves the room closing the door hard, but not too hard to be considered slamming it. The room falls quiet.

"Sorry about here." Karter mumbles. I look back at them to see them wipe their nose on their arm, and sniffing. Of course, I was hurt by what she said, but Karter feels bad too, after all, she is their mom. "It's ok." I say attempting to sound happy, it doesn't work. Karter turns their head to look at me sadly, that's when I can see their face.

The moment I saw those tears in Karter's eyes as if they were about to cry, I hugged them again. I didn't hug Karter as light as before, before I was worried about there wounds, but Karter said they were ok. So I higher them tighter his time. Letting Karter know I was hear for them, and that I wasn't going to leave anytime soon. I felt Karter wrap there hands around me and grab the back of the jacket I was wearing. They rest there head on my shoulder when they start to sniffly a bit. I move one hand from Karters back to their head to pet their hair. When I start to hear Karter quietly cry I feel myself tear up to.

"Im sorry." They whisper trying not to cry. "Its ok." I whisper back. "You probably haven't told her about you then?" I ask. Karter shakes there head on my shoulder. "Must be hard." I hum. Karter nods other reason my shoulder. "Well I'm glad you told us." I said talking about our friend group. They nod there head again. "I-I'm happy." They whisper then start to cry again. "Im happy to." I say some tears leaving my eyes.

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Me and Karter calmed down after some time. At some point I moved from sitting on my chair to sitting on the bed next to Karter to hug them closer. Even tho we both calmed down we kept hugging. Karter loosened their grip a bit, but doesn't break the hug. I don't break the hug either.

When Larter loosened there grip again after some time I decided to ask. "Are you tired?" They nod there head on my shoulder. "You should get some rest." I say, and they shake there head on my shoulder. "Your still hurt." I move back a bit, still hugging, and look down at Karter. When my shoulder leaves Karter's head there forehead has nothing to rest on, so there head drops and hangs down. I move my arms of there back to pick up their chin to look at there face.

Karyers eyes are red and puffy and they look tired, there checks are still a bit wet. There's some snot running out of there nose that they try to snif back up. I use the sleeve of the jacket I'm wearing to wioe it away. "Your tired." I tell Karter. They just hug me tighter and try to pull me back into a hug, but since I'm holding there head it doesn't work. "Karter." I say there name and look at them sadly. "No." They pout. I giggle at that. "Ive never seen you act like this." I giggle, Karterjust keeps pouting. "You must really be tired." I say. Karter doesn't answer. I sigh and drip their face. Their head hangs down, looking down.

I use my hands to take their hands of my back. Karter looks up at me sadly when I take there hand of my back, oficaly breaking the hug. I then put my hands on there shoulders and make them lie back down. It wasn't that hard, they didn't resist at all, instead they just lied down to looking at me upset. "Just go to sleep." I giggle at them. Karter turns on there side facing the right side of the bed where I'm now sitting ok the edge of. "Night." I smile standing up to pull the blanket over there shoulders. "Night." Karter says back grabbing the blanket and pulling near them when it's by there hands. When Laryer closes there eyes I a mile at them brushing some hair out of there eyes.

"Ready to go home?" Someone asks.

I nearly jump out of my shoes and socks. Shit... I forgot they were in here! I slowly turn around, now really embarrassed. "Y-yeah." I say. I see mom and dad both smiling at me. Can't wait for the car ride home...

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