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"I just wanted to sell drugs." Quackity cries. I giggle. "To kids?" I ask. "Yes!" He says. "Tommy is my best customer!" "You betcha bitch." Tommy says.

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"So who are you?" Quakity finally askes me. "I'm Alex." There's a bunch of sound on the other side. "Wha-?" "That's my name!" He yelled. "Arnt you Quackity tho?" I ask. "I am! But my name is Alexis or Alex for short! You stole my name!" He said. His character runs up to me and starts hitting me. But since Phil's armor has thorns he gets hurt instead.

"Wow, I've never met another Alex before. Nice to meet you." I say ignoring his character trying to hit me. "Just call me Quackity! Cause you stole my name." He fake cries. "Boo, hoo, sucks for you." I say then hit him with my fist. "Ahh no! Dong attack the drug dealer!" "It was one hit..." "But I got hurt trying to hit you!" "Karma."

"Hey!" Tommy yells. "Respect big Q!" "Ate you gelling me to respect a drug dealer?" "No!" "Tommy, your one to talk." Wilbur chips in. "You don't even respect your elders." "Not my fault I'm the youngest!" "Don't you call Phil an old man?" Tubbo askes. "Shut up!" We all laugh at Tommy, being Tommy.

"Hey, Ranboo you want some drugs too?" Quackity askes. "No, I'm a minor too." "What the fuck? Tommy is a minor and he's my best customer!" "Yeah bitch!"

"Wait, Alex was it?" Quackity askes me. "Yeah?" "Why are you on Phil's account?" He askes. The call goes silent. "I hacked into Phil's computer like he hacked into the server." I joked. Quackity laughed a bit. "That's what I'm talking about señor!"

"Alex I found you!" Tubbo yells as his character runs up to me. "Hi." My character punches the air. "You still want to go to your base?" He askes. "Nah, don't want Quackity selling drugs there." I say. "Smart." Techno and Wilbur say. "You're missing out on a great deal!" Quackity yells. "So are you." I pull out a sword. Quackity turns and runs to Tommy. "Want some more drugs?" "You know it." They crouch at each other. "Let go now." I whisper. Tubbo makes his character nod its head then runs of me following behind him.

"Hey, where did Tubbo and señor go?" Quackity askes realizing wee gone. "You can just call me Alex, you know?" I say. "But that's my name!" "Ok, ok!" I say. "Yeah, where did they go?" Tommy askes.

Me and Tubbo giggle as we enter my underground base. "Wait for me." Ranboo said following us in, right before the Redstone door closed. "What the, when did you?" I try to ask, surprised. "Ranboo!" Tubbo says happily. "Oh, am I not supposed to be here?" He askes. "Nah it's ok, I had a shared room any way you can take." "Cool, thanks." "Ranboo, your room is right next to mine!" Tubbo says walking over to his room. "We can make a secret passage connecting it!" "Or just connect the rooms and make it one big room?" Wilbur suggests. "Secret tunnel!" Tubbo sings. "Secret tunnel!" Ranboo joins in. "Secret tunnel!" They both sing at the same time. I giggle finding it kind of funny.

"Tubbo!" Tommy yells. "Yes?" Tubbo askes. "We were supposed to make a cool room together!" "But didn't you get kicked out after placing obsidian?" Tubbo askes. "No, I got moved. There's a difference." "Didn't you get moved down a long hallway?" Wilbur askes. "Yeah! And I can do anything in that long hallway!" "True." I say. "That is why I gave him the long hallway."

"Big Q! You can live with me in the base then we can sell drugs." Tommy suggests. "Ohh, I like your thinking Tommy." Quackity says. "If anyone brings drugs into my base I will kick you out and have Techno kill you." I say. "Who says I would kill for you?" Techno asked in disbelief. "One, what you did earlier, killing Tommy and Quackity. Two, you said you'd watch the kids, which mostly means you'll watch me cause you told Phil that. Three, you kill for Phil, so why not kill for me?" "Ohhhh! He's got you there Tech!" Wilbur says. Techno sighed. "Guess I have no choice." "Dam it." Tommy says.

"Wil, doesn't that mean Techno is sucking up to Phil?" Tommy askes. "You get mad at me when you thought I was sucking up to him." "Cause you were!" "I was not!" "Was too!" "Just answer the question!" I chuckle causing the two to stop bickering. "Were talking about sucking up to Phil, now are we?" I ask. "Then I think I've succeeded," I say proudly. "You shouldn't be proud of sucking up to someone." Wilbur says. "Oh but Wilbur." I say. "Have you forgot to what I said earlier?" The call goes silent.

"Technically Alex has a point." Tubbo says. I start giggling. "I'm so happy!" I yell happy with energy. "Yeah, yeah, you already said that. Good job." Tommy says sarcastically. "Tommy!" Wilbur says. "He's probably jealous." Tubbo says. Me, Tubbo, and Wilbur giggle at Tommy. "Aww, is Tommy jealous?" Wilbur askes. "No!" He says. "He totally is!" I start laughing.

I take a bit to calm down. "It really happened." I whisper to myself. "I'm so happy." I whisper and smile to myself. "Were happy for you too." Wilbur says. "Yeah, whatever." Tommy says. "Yep." Techno says. "Yeah! I bet Ranboo and Quackity are too!" Tubbo says acknowledging the others. "O-oh, r-right." I say, totally not forgetting they were here.

"Anyway-" I start. "What happened?! Tell me! I can't be left in the dark!" Quackity complains. "Uh-" "Actually you can." Wilbur says covering for me. "Wait why-?" Tubbo starts before Tommy speaks. "Remember Tubbo? We can't say." "Ohhh, I remember. Heh, sorry." "It's cool bit T." Tommy says.

"NooOo, wAit, tEll meEeeE!" Quackity says in a weird voice. I think it was autotuned? "PlEAseeEe?" "What the heck?" I ask. "Big Q!" Tommy says laughing. "RaNboO bE oN my siDEeeE." Quackity continues to speak on autotune. "Uh- I'm on Tubbo's side." Ranboo says. "Aww, I'm on Ranboo's side too!" Tubbo says. "WilBUrRr? TecHNOoo? TomMyY? TubBoO? RaNBoOoOO-"

A ding runs out from the computer. Someone joined the call. Saved by the bell... "What the fuck?!" "Great, look who it is." Tommy sighs.

"Furry boy."

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