"I'm sorry I have other friend besides you three. I do not owe you three anything and I most certainly am not going to hang around you if you're going to act like this," I said.

"That's fine, I don't want to be friends with fake people anyway," he said turning around to leave.

"FAKE?!? You're calling me fake right now," I said laughing with amusement.

"If the shoe fits," Fred said turning back around to me.

"You know what Fred, I don't know what your problem is but you're being a real arse right now. Don't talk to me until you figure out your problems, I don't want to be friends with someone who is rude to me," I said storming past him.

"Fine with me!" he yelled after me.

I stormed out of the owlery trying not to burst into tears. I ran all the way back to Gryffindor common room not caring if I got in trouble for running in the hall. My mind was racing with so many thoughts. Fred and I had never fought like this before...why was he being so rude? Was I really neglecting them like he had said? I got to the painting and said the password running in trying to keep my head down. I accidentally bumped into someone causing me to look up. George.

"Mal, what wrong?" said George with concern in his voice looking at me with a caring expression.

Seeing George look at me that way made me lose it. I started crying and George pulled me into a hug.

"Come on, let's get you to your room," George said pulling me along.

We had reached my room and George pulled me over to my bed and I cried for a few minutes more. I was a pretty emotional person so I was not surprised with how much I was crying. I feel like I just lost my best friend. I had finally calmed down enough to talk.

"Are you going to tell me what happened?" George asked, "Who do I need to beat up?"

That last part made me laugh.

"Your brother," I said wiping some tears away from my eyes.

"Fred?" George said in confusion, "What did he do?"

I told Geoarge everything that had happened while up in the owlery. As I spoke George just listened and didn't speak.

"Have I really abandoned you like he says?" I asked looking up at George.

"Absolutely not," he said pulling me into a hug, "I'll talk to him."

"No, don't. I think it will only make it worse. I'm sure he will be in a better mood in a few days," I said pulling away from George.

"Alright, but that still does not give him the right to talk to you like that, even if you were ignoring us," said George making my give him a concerned look, "Which you are absolutely not."

George laid down next to me on the bed trying to comfort me. I must had fallen asleep because the next time I woke George was gone and Alicia and Angie were back in the room.

"Good evening sleeping beauty," said Angie.

"You better get up and start getting ready for the party," said Alicia.

Right, the party. I really didn't feel like going but I had already promised Cedric that I would go with him. I can't back out now.

"Are you okay?" asked Alicia seeing my face for the first time.

I told them about the fight with Fred.

"Well, there is only one way to fix this," Angie said smirking at Alicia.

"Were gonna make you look so hot and you're gonna have the night of you life! No arguing!" said Alicia.

I got out of bed walking into the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and almost jumped at what I saw. My hair was a mess and my face, especially under my eyes was so puffy. I am not sure what the girls had planned but it was going to take a lot of work. After I was done in the bathroom I walked back out sitting in the chair that the girls had sit out for me.

"Were gonna fix you right up," Alicia said patting my shoulder.

Angie started working on my hair while Alicia did my makeup. When they were done Alicia gave me a mirror to look at their work. My makeup was subtle but beautiful. She had put on a light layer of foundation, used browns and a shimmer shade on my eyes, and  completed it with some blush and a nude colored lip. My face puffiness had thankfully gone down completely. Angie had tamed my frizz and gave me a deep part falling to the left of my head. She had taken the hair that was left on the right and twisted is back putting bobby pins in to secure it.

"You look absolutely breathtaking!!" Angie said, "Now it's time for the outfit."

Angie handed me the outfit and I was very unsure about it but I put it on. She had given me a black corset tank top that was sheer lace on the abdomen and as it got up to the breasts it was opaque with black lace over the top of it. She had given me some light washed skinny jeans with holes all in them. The jeans hugged my curves just right and the coset top gave me just the right amount of cleavage.

"Here put these on," said Alicia holding out my Gryffindor colored converse.

"Absolutely perfect," they both said as I stood up from putting on my shoes.

I looked at myself in the mirror one last time and told myself that I was going to have a great time to night no matter what had happened earlier. I might even drink.

Will Love Last//Fred Weasley Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now