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・❥・thirty-five, it girl


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STUDY DATES AND SLEEPOVER HANGOUTS WERE WHAT THE TRIO GIRLS were up to the few past months. They were up all night cramming for tests and quizzes that Darienne helped them prepare for and catched them up on reviewing for the exams coming up. They mainly slept over in Eileen's house because her dad had been very protective over her daughter's safety and wanted to repair their father-daughter relationship. Her mother on the other hand had been ignoring her like usual, but hadn't insulted her since forever.

They were in Darienne's house today and had the pleasure of meeting her four year old little brother who they played with for a few minutes until they got tired of him and Darienne's mother had come in and picked him up. Alexa Dexter, Darienne's mother, came back with snacks for the girls and took a picture of the girls laying in the bed together with their textbooks scattered around. "You're mom is the best. She's so nice." Stacy complimented the pink haired girl.

"I love my mom, she's so protective but I love that about her. OH! OH you guys! We should all get matching stick and poke tattoos, I have a kit. We could match! Maybe something like a butterfly, no that's too cliche, mhmm... how about a flower, a stargazer lily, WHAT DO U GUYS SAY?" Darienne yelled out, clapping her hand excited by the idea of the matching set for all of them.

Eileen's flip phone started ringing causing the girl to search around the room for it finally finding it she excused herself out of the room. In Darienne's room, Stacy was having doubts about the tattoo, but decided to agree. "Let's do it!" Darienne cheered at her response and they broke out in laughter. Eileen smiled at their voices and then remembered her phone ringing, answering it the voice behind the phone was her dad.

"I'm outside! I'll be here waiting for you." Allen Halsaine said through the phone.

"Ok, let me just get my stuff." She hung up and went back inside the room. "It was my dad, I'm leaving. So the plan for the tattoos can happen another day." grunts were heard around the room by the last sentence. She picked up her notebooks and textbooks, stuffing them in her tote bag. She hugged them goodbye and skipped down stairs waving goodbye to Mrs and Mr. Dexter as she spirited down the pathway to the black suv that was her fathers.

She hopped into the car and he leaned to kiss her on top of the head. "How was it? Did you girls have fun?" Allen Halsaine questioned, he checked for incoming cars and when there wasn't he drove off away from the neighborhood.

"It was great, Darienne wants to get 'stick and poke tattoos'? Whatever those are." He raised an eyebrow at the idea ," I didn't say yes.. yet because you called before I could agree. Can I? It'll be like a friendship thing... we'll have matching tats pretty please." She pleaded for a yes, forming her hands into a prayer form. Allen chuckled at how his daughter had become happier overtime with her new friends.

𝐈𝐓 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋, Degrassi: Next GenerationWhere stories live. Discover now