A Little Tied Up (M)

Start from the beginning

“I’ve got work today – you can’t do that.”

“Trust me, I will.”

“Unless you’re gonna pay me £12.50 an hour then I don’t think you will.” Taehyung snorts, rolling over as Jeongguk stands up and gets out of bed. “If you’re going downstairs then be a dear and put the kettle on.”

But Jeongguk does not go downstairs, and only goes towards a small wardrobe in the corner of the room. Taehyung’s not sure what clothes Jeongguk keeps in there; it's always locked, but he cracks open an eye and sneakily takes a peek – maybe he can steal some of whatever’s in there.

Jeongguk is still muttering profanities aimed at Taehyung under his breath as he digs through his wardrobe, rifling through various different objects before pulling out exactly what he’s looking for. He chucks it on the bed and it lands next to Taehyung’s head in all its dark red glory.


Lots of it.

“You can’t be serious.” Taehyung says, mildly panicked. “I have to go to work!”

“I promise I don’t care in the fucking slightest.” Jeongguk says, monotone. “You still have time to go and move to the sofa.”

“Y-You can’t do this. I wanna stay here – you go! Boxing gloves are taking it too far, and frankly I think you’re being a little over-dramatic. I didn’t do anything besides-”

“Sh.” Jeongguk says once and immediately Taehyung is silenced he watches Jeongguk pick up the rope and is filled with a weird cocktail of arousal and fear.

Jeongguk takes the rope and begins to pull the knots loose with his teeth, making clear and direct eye contact with Taehyung as he does so. Taehyung scoffs and rolls his eyes, knowing it’s nothing more than a bunch of menacing theatrics meant to turn him on – he’s better than that, and refuses to play
in Jeongguk’s silly, degrading little game.

His cock twitches in his pants.


“It’s not too late to go, Tae. I’ll give you five seconds.”

“Save your pity for the weak.” Taehyung retorts automatically, and Jeongguk practically lunges at him at that. Taehyung is restrained on the bed like a criminal against a police car, hands firmly held behind his back and head forcefully shoved into the mattress.

“You’ve had enough chances, you fucking brat. I’m not here to play fucking games with you.” Jeongguk snarls. He begins tying the rope tightly around Taehyung’s arms, ignoring Tae’s squirming and wiggling. “Keep still or I’ll tie your cock too and you won’t be able to get off at all.” He threatens, and Taehyung groans beneath him.

“You’re cruel.” Tae complains, kicking his legs instead. He hopes that Jeongguk can’t see the way he desperately tries to grind his hips into the mattress with each kick, but with the way a firm hand comes to restrain him at his sides, he guesses that he wasn’t as discreet as the thought he was. “Untie me right now. I don’t like it.” He lies, knowing he’s not even convincing himself at this point.

“Do you really think you’re in the position to be demanding things right now, TaeTae? And in such a rude way too; will you and that rotten mouth of yours ever learn how to be quiet? Hmm? You only make things worse for yourself.” Jeongguk chastises condescendingly as he moves on to tie Taehyung’s legs to the bed posts. Using one hand, he tugs at Taehyung’s shorts and boxers to pull them down and stops him from moving away with one simple glare.

Tugging them down, he raises an eyebrow in a less-than-impressed manner at the sight of Taehyung’s hard cock, and he pushes it meanly with one finger, watching it bob back and forth.

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