Get To Know Me

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Hi I'm Emily. I play guitar for Ghost Town. I've been playing with them for the past 2 years. I am 26 years old, I am single and I don't date. Because I have a major secret that absolutely nobody knows about. Well except for my family. I am a vampire. I know it sounds ridiculous. Vampires live normal lives. I'm not like the vampires like in twilight. I'm more of a vampire diaries type of vampire. I try to avoid conflict so I don't kill and people don't find out. Ghost Town doesn't know I'm a vampire. I'm very good at hiding it. I've been hiding it from them for a while now. I keep little vials of blood in a backpack I keep in my bunk. It doesn't taste good considering it's no refrigerated. Thankfully they haven't tried to get in it. Because I keep it locked. They do ask questions about it all the time though. I just change the subject. Because I know they would freak if they found out I drank blood. Anyways that's enough about me. I'll tell you more as you read on. Also I have one rule don't fall in love....

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