Ken-My new Manager is Half Insane

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After having a tasty breakfast of Italian noodles, I felt like my sprits lifted after they had been sunken from Luke’s descriptions.

Seriously, did this guy like hurting himself?

Every head was turned in our direction. It looked like it was news for Luke and me to be hanging out. We were about to get up when Justine and my Nightingale arrived, waving at us. We called them over to join us.

Luke and I waited as they finished up their breakfast. I felt like kissing Sarah so I kissed her cheek, but some how, it seemed as if Luke hadn’t noticed. Was he ignoring our interactions? Maybe he had given up. Good for him.

Being Siren leader and all, some would think that it was nearly impossible for me to be surprised. Well, those few would be wrong.

That unexpected day had an unexpected turn of events.

If it wasn’t already obvious enough for all te Sirens and Committee members present, William had joined our table, which turned out to be news since everybody knew he and Luke were at odd ends. I wasn’t surprised by that though. He was just joining his girl, Justine, for lunch. The first thing that took me off guard was that he looked at Luke with more hatred than how I used to look at him, but the new Committee member just ignored that as well. James and Amelia arrived soon too, saying it wasn’t fair that I was not spending time with them. Call them my pauci; call them stalkers, or just loyal courtiers—They were still good company.

To an outsider, the seven of us would’ve seemed like the best of friends. But we all knew our relationships with each other. Breakfast was over sooner than predicted, and Justine stole Sarah away and left. It turned out that the teachers were driving all the girls out to have a chat with the guys of the school.

“Good Morning, boys of White Rose” One of the teachers announced

“Good morning” everyone replied.

“As we all know” the teacher began “September is drawing to a near end, and October brings with it a few holidays we want to celebrate”

Everyone hooted. Halloween was around the corner, and you couldn’t help but label it as the best holiday. We’re sixteen, seventeen year olds in question here. We will do anything to get a chance to go from house to house, dressed up (or down), asking for candy and hogging it down. Who cares if we’re ‘too old’? It’s Halloween. You’re never too old to celebrate.

“Calm down, Calm down, boys” said the teacher in a much cheery voice “This isn’t about trick-or-treating”

That’s when he succeeded in grabbing all attention.  The crowd was a mix of moans and hoots.

“As we all know, you are much too mature to do something of that sort” he smiled, sarcastically “So I’ll let our Head Mistress explain how things work every year during Halloween in White Rose.” And with that he got off the stage.  Loud wails of ‘boos’ filled the air.

“This is idiotic” I scoffed.

“Oh, I don’t know, Ken” Luke looked at me “Nice opportunity for you to show your true side” he snickered

“Same goes for you” I replied. He rolled his eyes in disgust and let out a long sigh.

The headmistress took to the stage.

“Boys” she smiled. She was a woman who looked like she was in her thirties with chestnut hair up till her shoulders and brown eyes on which she wore round spectacles. Her face was conical towards the chin and she was quiet tall. Though, I knew she wasn’t anywhere near her thirties.

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