"Hey, Yoongs we're here." I say softly and he stirs awake.


"It's been two hours."

When we get outside, the freezing cold air seeps through my clothes and bites on my skin making me want to curl up in a ball in the middle of the road, but I circle around the car to help Jimin take our stuff out when Ryan starts carrying our suitcases inside. I look around us and take in the 100 acres surrounding our little cabin in the woods. Even though it's relatively close to the city, it still feels like we're isolated from the rest of the world (we kind of are). It's pitch black dark and part of me is afraid but another wilder side of me revels in the fact that nobody else other than us is out here. The next house is probably a mile away from us. We can do whatever we want without having to worry about neighbors or consequences.

"Wow, this place is big." Cassie says.

"That's what she said." Dylan replies with a shit-eating grin, and she smacks him playfully in the head.

"I think there's also a hot tub in the back." Ryan adds.

"I'll be soaking in it tonight." Cassie declares.

Yoongi stiffly gets out of the car and Jimin hands him his bag. He mutters a 'thanks' and with that we head into the cabin. There's a little bit of snow on the ground and it's probably going to snow more during our stay, so I'm thankful I packed warm clothes and thermal leggings. I notice Cassie having trouble carrying all her bags and just when I'm about to offer her a hand, Namjoon jumps in and helps her carry her stuff.

Ryan fiddles with the keys and he finally unlocks the door and stands by it as we all walk in. Wooden panels are covering every inch of the house while a large gray couch is sitting in the middle of the living room along with some very warm fuzzy looking blankets and the softest cushions. There are windows on each side of the room and a large smart TV adjacent the couch and a fireplace in the middle of the room. There's something archaic about it, maybe it's the rock material or the wooden shelve with all kinds of small decorations and a sparkling snow globe sitting on top of it or perhaps it's the old leather armchair right next to it that makes a wonderful contrast with the wooden modern feel of the room.

A line of wooden drawers is positioned under one of the windows where decorative ornaments, books and speakers sit on top of them. There's a basket chair hanging from the ceiling that is facing the other window with a money plant next to it and a floor standing reading lamp, making it the perfect place to sit after a long day and enjoy a smoke or a mug filled with hot cocoa. A staircase with metallic railings is on the other end of the living room while there's a hallway that leads to what I assume for it to be the kitchen.

"So, do we know the room arrangements?" Dylan asks once we reach the top of the stairs.

"I'll share the two-bed with Cassie." I say and Jimin gives me a sad look.

"Dyl, Ryan let's share the three beds." He says. "It will be like old times at the frat house, before you abandoned me for a better place."

Dylan chuckles. "You brought the good stuff?"

"Ya bet." Namjoon grins and they punch fists.

"Alright, that leaves me, and you bud," Jimin says to Yoongi with a smile, but when Jimin turns around Yoongi is no longer there. "Yoongs? Buddy?"

"Nah, man I think you should go with Nox." Yoongi says when he comes out from one of the rooms. "Also, how many rooms is this cabin supposed to have?"

"Three." Ryan replies.

"Well, there's an extra room with a kings'." He says. "I call dibs on the one with the balcony at the end because I smoke."

"That can't be. I booked us the three-bedroom cabin." He runs his fingers through his hair when he pulls out his phone. "Ah shit."

"What's wrong?"

"I might have booked the family cabin by mistake." Ryan mutters. "Fuck, I'm sorry."

"Well, I ain't gonna complain." Cassie says. "This place is beautiful."

"It's more expensive."

"How much more expensive?" I ask.

"Um, Nox?"


"Please don't kill me."

"How much Ryan?" I repeat.

"Nox, calm down we can split the-" Jimin tries to calm me down, but I'm not having it.

"Not now Jimin," I cut him.

Ryan swallows down harshly. "It's close to 365$ a night."

My heart makes a leap when I hear the price.

"What!" Yoongi and I echo.

"I have fuckin hospital bills to pay back home!" Yoongi fires.

"It's only because it's four bedrooms. Otherwise, the price would drop to at least 169$ a night."

"Well, no fucking shit Sherlock!"

"Please don't be mad at me." He pleads. "It was a mistake, you guys. Look at the bright side, we are splitting the bill between the seven of us. Also, you get to be in a room alone with Jimin and Yoongi can keep your balcony room all to himself."

"It's still more expensive Ry." I say sternly. "By 160$ to be more precise."

"I'm sorry Noxie." Ryan cries. "Please forgive me for my incompetence."

"Fine." I murmur.

I am getting to stay in a room with Jimin after all, so I guess paying the price with my kidneys is worth it.

"My hospital bills are still hanging." Yoongi says. "Sorry won't cut it."

"I'm truly sorry man." Ryan apologizes again. "I'm a dumbass."

"Don't beat yourself up Ry." Namjoon tries to console him. "Worst case scenario, we all chip in a little bit extra. Let's not ruin our vacation because of our financials. It's been a long fucking year so let's have a good fucking time."

"Cheers to that!" Cassie booms.

"Alright, now listen up." Namjoon starts. "Sleep well tonight because tomorrow it's gonna be busy. When we were back in the car, Cassie made a list of fun things we can do during our stay, and I really want to go ice fishing."

Taking Jimin's hand in mine we bring our things into our bedroom, and he shuts the door behind us as I take in how enormous the room is. It's all covered in wood, the floors are carpeted, and the windows are smaller compared to the ones downstairs, but there's a window seat with a series of patterned cushions pilled up on each end.

Our room faces the back of the cabin and it's right across Yoongi's. You can see right outside in the woods, but apparently the hot tub is on Yoongi's side. A massive bed is placed in the middle of the room with nightstands on each side and aromatic candles and honestly, I can't wait to do a number of things on that bed with Jimin.

I let go of my suitcase and remove my coat. I peer outside the window into the dark woods when Jimin suddenly wraps his arms around me, and plants kisses on the nape of my neck.

"You still worried about the cost?" He asks with genuine concern laced in his voice, and I shake my head.

"A little, but I'm just happy I get to share this room with you." I reply.

His lips graze my cheekbone and then my ear. "Oh yeah?" My head drops back, and he kisses my temple. "I love you." He says against my skin, and I close my eyes.

"I love you." I tell him as I tilt my head. His lips find mine and he kisses me softly.



"We smell like the plane and the rental car."

He laughs contagiously and I follow shortly after. "What am I going to do with you?"

"You can help me wash it off." I say biting on my lip.

"I think that's an amazing idea." He agrees and kisses my lips then walks me to the bathroom with his hands tangled up in my hair.

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