Five: Worlds Apart

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Not knowing the things happening around her deeply irked Selena. But that problem seemed to become less of a hassle. Nathaniel was more open, more vocal with his thoughts.

Though after the incident in the pack’s parking lot a couple of hours ago, Selena was stuck on one question.

“What’s so wrong about having sex in a car?”

She asked Nathaniel the moment he exited the bathroom.

Her mate stopped in his tracks.

Nathaniel looked befuddled by her question.

He cocked his head, helplessly looking like candy in Selena’s eyes. Nathaniel wore nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. His bare chest, abundant with silky blonde hair in full view for her to feast on.

She almost felt bad eating him with her eyes. But then again, he was her mate, and luckily, she had the privilege and free rein in hawking over him.

He hums, walking across the room, standing in front of her.

“Nothing is particularly wrong with it.” He answers.

She laughs.

“You and Talon’s reactions would like to beg the differ.”

Nathaniel turns away from her and walks to his suitcases.

“Well,” he pauses, looking over his shoulder. She caught his grin. “Your brother means well, and I think I can see things from his perspective.”

With one tug, he unravels his towel. The material pooled down on his feet. He bent down, fishing for his navy-blue boxers.

Selena sat on her bed, watching him get dressed from the other side of the room.

“Enlighten me, Mr. Lorenzano.”

Nathaniel raised a brow at her. Calling him that seemed to strum something in him.

“It could be for optics, I guess. Alpha Highcliff’s sister being caught having a very steamy encounter inside of a car and in pack Albrich’s parking lot too.” He chuckled. “Imagine the controversy, the whispers, and your ruined reputation.”

“I don’t know.” She shrugged. “Why would he even care in the first place?”

Why should he even have a say in the matter? Selena thought. Wasn’t he already content with his life without her to think about? That should be the case, but Talon hasn’t stopped trying to reconnect with her.

Selena was unsure of how long she could hold it in without caving into him and just letting it all out. Her anger and disdain for the less than favorable position they were in.

“You’re his blood, Selena. I know if I had a sister, I’d kill any man that touches her inappropriately or looks at her maliciously. Maybe he sees me as the mongrel that kidnapped his younger sibling.”

“Well, you kinda are,” she said. “I find the flames of hell less bothersome than what you made it out to be.”

Selena mocked him with the very words he said in the snow a long time ago.

Nathaniel finished getting dressed. He wore a maroon turtleneck that molded his body and a pair of slacks creased to perfection. Accompanied by black leather clogs.

She had no qualms about admitting that Nathaniel had more style than her. Though the clogs were a bit of a mystery, considering he had brought along four extra pairs of leather shoes. Overall, Nathaniel looked handsome and expensive, too.

He towers in front of her, lowering himself to level their faces.

“But I see it differently, I guess.”

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