One: the Rite

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Selena panted heavily as her feet brought her deeper into the woods. Tears came running down her face.

“Don’t run, Selena!” Freed chuckles as he ran towards her. “Come on now. Let me taste your virgin cunt.”

She didn’t stop. She couldn’t. All that ran in her head was to run and save herself. Never mind that her heels had bled or how her mind had almost shut down. The chase she was in was never-ending.

A moment turned into a never wheel of events that kept repeating itself. Trapped on a zoetrope, never reaching its end.

“Boo!” the wolf bellows.

“Let go of me.”

She growled, but her words left little to no effect as the man and his goons circle her.

They were tall. Like fumbling towers of flesh with faces on them. Their naked bodies burned her eyes as did their hardened manhoods pointing to her. She drowned in their disgusting gazes and their horrid smell.

She flailed her limbs, desperate to get free from the insidious bind they placed her on.

“Forget it,” one of them spoke. “Who would want to bed a wolf like her? I prefer pliable cunts like Katie, perhaps?”

The men laugh, their loud voices eclipse her emotions. It was then she felt it. A lulling, sickening motion struck her the moment the men let her slip off their hands. Her limbs were free in the air and the sensation of continuously falling from a never-ending fall envelope her.

How should she feel? She wondered. This feeling was so familiar. A pain that she could never put a name on.

The surrounding darkness consumes her as the light from the sky slowly dims away, blurring in her version while an abyssal silent raptures her ears.

In her overwhelming discombobulation, the falling motion that took hold of her seemed permanent until a whisper calls out her name. And in an instant, she felt secure.

A pair of warm arms embrace her, gripping her tightly.

My Luna,” Dorran whispers into her ear.

His eyes were so kind, so friendly, that they caused her to smile. What she saw in him, his willingness to help and teach her without complaining despite her going off on him multiple times is kindness.

But how pure was it? After all that she had heard about him, how much of Dorran is Dorran? Or maybe Dorran was all simply Roark.

Her smile soon crumbled when she looked over his shoulders, seeing the bodies of her dead parents. Their disembodied heads propped on wooden spikes while wolves feasted on their tongues and eyes.

She quivers as she brought her gaze back to Dorran.

Dark shadows loomed over his head and yet, his face was the shiniest of all bliss. A bastion of light and innocence beneath the folds of his evil.

“I love you, Selena.”

Her heart shriveled at the words he uttered. With one quick push, she slipped from his hold. She was thrown back in her state of eternal fall. While her cheeks were stained in tears, the sight of Dorran’s blue eyes swimming with hurt was the last thing she saw until her head hit the floor next to the foot of her bed.

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