Thirteen: La mort d'amour

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In preparations for her last attempt at the rite, Selena awoke early in the morning, always running with her mate. Even if she didn’t want him to come, he was most adamant about always walking behind her.

She could almost feel her body melting as Nathaniel’s intense gaze pointed to her lower backside. It was almost like he was only tagging along to check out her bum in her tight leggings.

On the bright side, whenever he tagged along, they went home after thoroughly making out, and whenever they got lucky; they went home with bunnies ready for cooking and one time, a whole deer.

You are no longer allowed to eat chips or noodles for the time being. While I’m here, I’ll happily try to cook for you the best I can.’

Those were Nathaniel’s exact words when he caught her boiling hot water for her noodles.

The keyword was ‘try’, unfortunately.

He was unsurprisingly hardheaded when it came to making food. All the recipes he found on the internet were a bit of a hit and miss.

More misses than hits.

Though his goal of properly making healthy food for her to eat was inspiring, Selena had to think twice before taking a spoonful of her mate’s first attempt at something new.

For a wolf to be stricken with severe diarrhea is uncommon, and she did not want to suffer that again.

“Training again, moon?” Nathaniel asks from across the room.

He was sitting in front of his pressure cooker. He faced the back part of the chair as he sat, his gray orbs pulling her.

“As always, my Stormwind. You are indeed very perceptive.”

She chuckles.

Nathaniel groans.

“Come on, stay for another hour, please. I’d really like to eat breakfast together with you. The pork afritada will be done in less than half an hour.”

Selena faltered at his plea. Standing where she was, she could already smell how good the food he was making was. But just because it smelt good, doesn’t mean the taste was good too.

“I promise this won’t be like the last time,” he says. “I’ll even have a taste first.”

“I’ll have to pass. Thank you very much. I have nursery duties this morning, then I’ll be running some scenarios with William. How about we meet each other for lunch?”

An angry glare dawned on his face the moment she mentioned her training partner. Without things being said, Selena knew well something was there. More than just jealousy.

Seeing him get riled up was frustrating when she couldn’t do anything to help, but the attention she got from him was all that heartwarming. Oddly, Nathaniel had become more aggressive when it came to fooling around on the bed ever since she had started to train with William again.

“Moon, I can be your training partner.” He drawled angrily with a tempest in his tone.

She shook her head and walked toward him. He looked up, their eyes instantly connecting. She sat on Nathaniel’s leg, holding his arm.

“Nah ah, not this time. Trust me, Nathaniel.” Gingerly, her fingertips drove to his golden-brown hair. He closes his eyes and releases a heavy sigh. “If I ask for your help on this one, they won’t see it as mine. They’ll see it as ours or yours. I would be okay with that, but I’m petty. I want to shove it down their throats that I can do this on my own.”

Nathaniel stares at her intensely and just smiles.

“You’re a mischievous wolf and very vindictive. I didn’t know I would find that attractive, but I do. I fucking do.”

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