Thirty-five: the Way

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After so much time, here there were. The fresh smell of Nathaniel’s home hit her senses as she poked her head out of the window. There was a spring in her body. An energy she could not get rid of.

But it was an exhilaration, a feeling of unending happiness.

She felt his excitement traveling through his body and transferring into hers. His hand rested on her thigh, getting it a small squeeze while he dawns a smile so bright, it made her melt.

She loved that he was happy.

That he was smiling so unabashedly.

She took his hand and threaded hers onto it. Their touch sent a wave of shock directly into her spine, causing her to shiver in delight.

“So, what’s the plan?” She spoke, gazing longingly into his gray eyes. “You seem very excited.”

He nodded his head, glancing momentarily in her direction.

“I just miss Jacob, that’s all.” He said. “He and I haven’t spoken in a while and I’m excited to see him.”

She shifted in her seat, forming a quizzical look on her face.

“What do you mean by in a while, exactly? Does he not have a phone?”

Nathaniel sighs.

“I know my brother is working hard. During the day, he’s performing duties and at night, he’s having rendezvouses with a random lady or ladies, so he rarely picks up my calls.”

“Oh…” she mustered the courage to smile. “Well, let’s just hope he’ll be surprised to see us.”

But inside, all she felt was rage. She had always thought that Jacob was a nice wolf and after this, her opinion of him shifted and all she wanted was to bash his face in with her elbow.

She found it hard to believe that he would have no time to talk to Nathaniel, unless he chooses not to, of course. And if that was the case, then Jacob was choosing his multiple rendezvous partners over his own brother.

‘What an asshole.’ She thought.

Not long after, Selena noticed his demeanor had not changed. She hoped that at least Jacob had gone ahead and prepared for something if and when his brother returned home.

She didn’t want to be entitled, but it seems as though Jacob had neglected his relationship with his brother and a welcoming party was the least he could do.

Finally, pack Morris came into view.

The line of creme-colored houses, made in only one style, made it look like a private community. Although that was essentially the point. Pack Morris disguised itself as a lofty country club that is seemingly very exclusive, so much so that not just anyone can come and join.

“We’re finally here,” Nathaniel murmurs under his breath as he parked the car on the side of the street. He locks the door to her side, causing her to glare at him with a confused look. “Ah, ah. You’re never going to open a car door when you’re with me, moon.”

She reddened but went along with his words, not wanting to refute such a kind and chivalrous act. Nathaniel steps out of the vehicle and turns to the other side, opening the door while wearing the biggest grin for the smallest of all actions.

“My moon.” He said as he gently guides her out of the car.

“Thank you.”

He nods.

“The pleasure is mine.” He kisses her lips.

Stepping onto the side of the street, Selena turns to the house in front of her. Her heart fluttered as memories poured into her.

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