Eleven: Hopeless

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‘Everything will be fine.’ The line her father loved to use.

The truth is, everything was not fine. But it wasn’t as bad as she presumed it would be.

What she learned from him is that Nathaniel’s childhood wasn’t as gloomy as she had previously thought.

While there were indeed ups and downs, he seemed at peace with how everything turned out.

He wasn’t greedy with the details, perhaps he was even more than excited to share.

“Nobody in high school liked me that much,” he says. “I guess it was because I always scowled at humans.”

“You scowl at everyone, Nathaniel. Not just humans.” She stated simply.

He hummed and nodded.

“Remember that silly little trophy back in the cottage?”

She grinned.

“Ah, who could forget Nathaniel Gordon Morris, Mr. Charismatic?” She quipped, wiggly her brows salaciously.

Selena laughed even more at his less than amused reaction. His thinned lipped expression caused her to erupt in a fit of laughter.

“Apparently, being continuously pissed counted as charismatic.”

She snorted, causing him to turn to her with a befuddled look. She wondered if Nathaniel ever realized or at least the tiniest bit aware of how most people around him steal glances from him.

As it looks like now, he was oblivious, or perhaps he just didn’t give a damn. Still, it escaped her how callous and clueless he sounds when he speaks about himself.

“What a surprise! The brooding wolf caught everyone’s attention.” She said. “People are attracted to different, so it really shouldn’t surprise you.”

“Different, huh? I was already six feet tall and skinny when I was fourteen. I guess I was a bit of an odd case.” He shrugs.

Selena pulled back, trying to picture Nathaniel less buff and a few inches shorter.

“And you didn’t make any friends?”

He paused and flattened his lips.

“I wasn’t supposed to have friends. I don’t think I’ve ever had one. Except for Lillian, she’s the only one I can see as my friend.”

She nods. “How about your rowing team in college? You seem pretty friendly with the guys there.”

His cheeks turned red. Seeing him get all flustered had her giggling. She didn’t understand why he was, though judging by how much he tried to hide photos from his college, he was probably shy about it.

“Those weren’t my friends, moon. They were wolves my father hired to protect me. I received hundreds of assassination attempts, even when I was in elementary. I had millions for my head.”

At this point, knowing Nathaniel had received death threats and more wasn’t a big deal. Sons and daughters of well-known wolves, the rich and powerful were high valued targets.

In her case, Talon had her tailed night and day. She was aware of them. Even now, Selena wondered if her brother had still had wolves to guard her.

“I could be your friend.”

She said.

Nathaniel grunts.

“A wolf should never sleep with a friend.” He replied. “You’re more than that to me.”

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