Forty-two: Daniel

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There was not a single word to describe how giddy Nathaniel felt as he watched the love of his life walk back to their home.

Our home’ Nathaniel pondered silently, mindlessly grinning to himself while he loaded his arms with their groceries.

The log cabin, although cozy, was something he did not imagine for him and Selena to live in permanently. Where he stood, he imagined a house that was bigger, a garage big enough to fit two cars, and a spacious driveway, maybe even a backyard pool.

But who was he fooling? This was Selena, his moon. She would probably grimace at him if he would spend money on this big of a decision alone and would be content in a wooden hut or something. But perhaps with these kinds of gifts, asking for forgiveness would be easier than asking for permission.

“Stupid.” He says to himself.

Nathaniel chastised his thoughts. Who was he to think of buying a house when he hadn’t even asked her hand in marriage?

Before he could drive himself into a downward spiral, he breathed in deeply, realizing it was not the appropriate time to think frivolously. He had to make a mean dinner that was appetizing and make this night better than the previous ones just so he could take her mind off of William’s disappearance.

He brushes his thoughts away and walks to his home. Everything seemed in place at first but Nathaniel could not help but feel a looming stare hawking over him.

His eyes averted to the flower beds, noticing the ground around it had sunken areas indicating that someone had come into his property, feebly leaving their signs. The direction of their feet also indicated no exits were made, which meant whoever they were was still in the house.

Nathaniel also took note of their distinct footprints, four pairs of shoes. Three men, and one woman. What’s worse, they had covered their scents. But the smell of the earth dragged by the underside of their shoes was foreign, which led Nathaniel to believe they were outsiders.

All for except two, of course. Bently and his aunt were there. He knew what his uncle’s homeland’s soil smelled like.

Still, that didn’t wave off the worry that encapsulated him. Even his wolf was desperately clawing at his insides, trying to get free and run to his mate. But charging into the fray would be stupid.

What he did know was Andre is not worth the trust and with this, Nathaniel had a reason to bring out his pistol.

Nathaniel nimbly waltzed to the entrance of his home, setting the groceries on the floor as he entered and trained his pistol in front of him, hoping to the Moon that Selena was okay and that his uncle wasn’t as stupid as he thought he was now.

He kept his breathing low, silently stalking the short hall until he entered the living room. There, he saw Selena, standing in stillness. Relief showered his thoughts momentarily. His wolf had become ecstatic like it was filled with happiness similar to when he had found Winston.

It was as if his wolf was welcoming another family member and that bothered him. Before anything else, he walked to her, circling his arm around her petite body, and pulled her to him as he aimed the muzzle of his pistol at the intruders.

Instead of getting angry, Nathaniel was disarmed and only one word seeped out of him.

“Grandfather?” He whispered.

He felt Selena jolt in his hold as she looked up to him, giving him a wide-eyed stare.

Nathaniel failed to contain his astonishment when he surveyed the room and saw three wolves who mirrored his resemblance, his uncle, and his aunt. In total, there were five wolves and not four as he originally thought. The two young wolves were wearing the same shoes, leading him to believe that the tracks were made by the same person.

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