Thirty-seven: Of Missing Wolves

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Nathaniel couldn’t help but keep a cool little grin on his face as he walks away from his moon. The level of elation just brewing, exploding in his heart was causing him to get drunk with a level of happiness unfathomable to people who were not him.

He was with his mate and he was in pack Morris, a place very important in his life.

What more could he ask for?

Perfection, something that was not always available to everyone and hard to achieve, was there in his hands and he was hell-bent on holding close to it.

He walks to the pack grounds, his head held high and meeting the gazes of each wolf that looked at him with awe. The attention he received never failed to make him a bit uneasy but who could blame them?

The Stormwind seldom smiled publicly and to them, he looked odd. Most of them were used to seeing his grim disposition and not his ecstatic, positive facade. But despite that, his wolves were pleased to see him.

While his feet pushed him towards the training grounds, his eyes caught the green eyes of a pup running across the field. Her hair bounced as she frolicked with other pups.

He stops on his feet and smiled at the pup.

“Leticia.” He calls out.

The pup pauses on her heels and turns her head in his direction. Like a flash of lightning, her smile came quickly as she left her friends and bolted at him.

“Uncle Nate!” The pup shrieked, jumping into Nathaniel’s wide-open arms.

Eagerly, he takes the pup and carries her up to his chest, pecking her pink cheeks with soft kisses.

“My sweet, what are you doing running around? Shouldn’t you be in school?” He asked.

Nathaniel was genuinely both confused and worried. At the time the pup was born, he took it upon himself to be the one who paid for her education from start to finish. Even though he had left pack Morris, Nathaniel continued to pay for her private schooling.

As always, Winston was greatly opposed to the idea but agreed after a year of convincing. He was certain that the wolf only agreed because he was pestered to do so and it was something he had apologized to many times.

“Uncle Nate,” she shook her head, kissing her teeth as she crossed her little arms over her chest. “It’s Saturday. No school on weekends, remember?”

He flattened his lips. Nathaniel was not raised like other pups. His weekend were consumed by extra homework and classes.

As his grandfather had put it: ‘Nothing but the best for a growing Alpha.’ Sadly, the best meant more school. Nathaniel grimaced at himself. He’d never want his niece to go through the same thing as he did.

“Right, sorry. I forgot but when did you get all sassy?”

He knew his brother very well and if Winston was to witness his daughter’s quirkiness, he’d blow his top off. Or at least, get very sore. He admired the pup so badly and the thought of her becoming as brash as her mother would probably crush him.

But for Nathaniel, Letty becoming like his sister in law wouldn’t that be too bad. Lively knew how to punch in the right places and Nathaniel wanted his niece to know how to protect herself like a wolf should.

But clearly, who was he to judge? He didn’t expect to get pregnant with Selena anytime soon and truthfully, he wanted to savor his alone time with Selena for a couple of years more.

Maybe when he and her mate would be blessed with a daughter of their own, his mind would change. But then again, with his family history of having so many boys and no girls, that would be a stretch. 

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