"It was unprotected sex." Debs revealed.

"Still probably don't have aids, everybody's on PrEP" Ian tried to reassure her she didn't have aids.

"I'm sure I have something" debs said while drinking the soo of coffee and looking into her now empty mug.

"Well syphilis maybe. Gonorrhoea? Lots of that going around." Ian pondered.

"Oh my god" debs started freaking out again.

Ivy just watched them two trying to figure out a way to not let Lip sell the house.

"Ah relax, that's like saying you walked on the beach and you have sand between your toes... should probably hit a clinic though." Ian said to her. It was always the answer after unprotected sex.

"Really?" Debs started getting slightly frantic. 

"Yeah" Ian reassured Debbie it was going to be fine.

"Oh fuck. Alright Franny lets go!" Debs grabbed her daughter's hand and grabbed her purse.

"Okay mama." Franny started walking with Debbie and soon they both left through the back door.

After Debbie left with Franny, Ivy jumped down hitting hard on the floor and walked to the fridge. She pulled out a beer but before she could open it, it was taken by Ian who had gotten up and walked behind her.

"You are not drinking."

"Yes I am!" She tried to grab the beer but Ian would just put it higher.

"What would Aiden think?"

Ivy was getting mad at Ian for even bringing up Aiden.

"Aiden wouldn't give a shit if I drank one beer? Why have you gone all protective mode on me?"

"Because I care about you and I'm not watching you destroy yourself again"

Ivy remembered what had happened and so had Ian. She destroyed herself and took it out on everyone around her. She shut them out and she promised herself she'd never do it again.

"That was years ago and my mum died..all I want is one beer."

"But Terry-." Ian started saying but was soon cut off.

"It's just one beer," Ivy said in a nagging tone.

"Fine" Ian gave Ivy the beer who gladly took it.

"Thank you. Jesus Christ." Ivy exaggerated.

Ian left to go with Mickey. They were only going to the milkovich house to search through Terry's old things to see what they could sell and what they could throughout. Just as Ivy finished her beer and set the empty glass down on the coffee table, Ian and Mickey walked in with a large box saying 'fragile' written on it with a sharpie.

"We found a box of things you would wanna see" Mickey set down the box while asking his sister who was still on the couch.

"What is it?" Ivy said, getting herself off the couch looking into the boxes.

"Open it." Mickey gestured to ivy.

She lifted the lid to see old photos of Terry and her mum.

"Mum's stuff." Ivy stared at the pictures piled in the box and picked some up to move them around.

"We were gonna chuck it, but we thought you would want it." Ian shrugged.

"she was so pretty." Ivy was mesmerised, she didn't really see old pictures of her parents, only the ones her mum would keep in the photo album back in England.

Ivy milkovich Where stories live. Discover now