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Ivy walked out of the bathroom after showering to see Carl punching Ian's stomach as he did pull ups on this bar .

"Ah dude stop." Ian grunted trying to nudge him away with his feet.

"It's the best way to get abs saw it on YouTube." Carl chatted out of his arse.

"Hey , fuckward." Ivy spoke up, making Carl quickly turn around to see Ivy about to chuck something at him.

"Dickhead." Carl responded as he dodged the incoming hair towel.

"What are you doing?" She asked as she walked past the pair and into the boys room to change.

"Helping Ian train." Carl begun to punch Ian's stomach again.

Next second Debbie walked up the stairs singing "I will burn for you feel pain for you I will twist the knife and bleed my aching heart."

"What's with debs?" Ivy snorted , as she brushed her hair.

"Obsessed with death. Now get changed." Ian laughed as Ivy slammed the door on him.

After she got changed Ian entered the bedroom but he made sure she was dressed before entering.

"Everything alright?" He asked and she slightly nodded "somethings up isn't it? What is it."

"Ian I'm so scared man." She blurted "if you go to the army I'm left here alone. You gonna tell mick?

"You have kai and your other school friends and my family. No I haven't told mickey but You'll be okay." He promised as he went to hug her but she backed up "Ivy don't." He then forced her to hug him and she gave in and broke down crying .

"I'm sorry ian." She sobbed, she had been holding in this cry for quite awhile. It was very much needed.

"It's okay Ivy." He kissed her head before leaving the room and going downstairs to grab something to eat .

"Cry baby cry baby." Carl whispered as he walked past the bedroom. Ivy picked up her body towel and launched it at him.


She sat with everyone at the table of this restaurant it was almost like a pick and mix as you could pick up anything you wanted which she liked a lot so her plate was full.

"My steak is too rare." V moaned

"Have this one king Henry." Fiona chuckled as she passed her a plate with steak on.

"Hey what was the final tally in the purse?" Ivy asked Fiona , the only reason they were at this fancy place was because Fiona nicked someone's purse

"Five hundred and twenty six bucks."

"Jesus who carried around that kind of cash?" Ian scoffed.

"Rich ladies Ian ." Ivy exhaled as she took another bite from her chip that she was holding.

"It's a good thing that I met up with Craig." Fiona insisted

"Who in the world is Craig?" Ivy asked while pretending to sound offended by not being told anything

"This old friend from highschool." She grinned "I would've never found the purse."

"He's married." Veronica sighed not looking like she entirely was agreeing with Fiona's recent life decisions.

"I'm talking about the purse." Fiona replied but Veronica ignored her.


The following morning Ivy walked into a room to hear screaming from Debbie and Carl

Ivy milkovich Where stories live. Discover now