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"Youngmin... is everything okay?". I can't stop myself. He looked up.

I saw his tears start to stream down on his face. When our eyes met he broke down. I ran to him and let him get up. I bought him at the back of the building where there's a small park.

I put him seated and let him cry beside me. I'm just looking across the trees while waiting for him. I didn't bother to talk, I'm hoping to at least make him okay with my presence even if he's not.

My phone rings again but I quickly push the reject button. I put my phone on silent.

After a couple of minutes, I felt him slowly calming down. He's quiet. I put my hand on his and caressed it.

"This is embarrassing...". He said and managed to laugh, I just shook my head.

"No, it's not. There's nothing embarrassing at all". I smile, trying to make him feel better.

"He broke up with me, my ex-boyfriend...". My mouth left hanging open when he said that.

"Oohh, I'm sorry to hear that". That's the only words that came out of my mouth.

"That's fine. We both don't have anything to do with that. I'm just shocked and thought we're okay all these days but it turns out we're not". He started to tell me what happened and the reason. It's not like I wanted to know what was the reason but he insisted. I will just take it as his way to make him feel better, talking to someone about what you felt inside.

He said that they've been having some misunderstanding since his boyfriend moved to another town and it got worse. Like he said, he thought they were okay. That sounds familiar, don't you? But I'm happy with Jungwon now.

I stayed with him until he finished and now can make a joke even though I know he's hurting inside.

"I'm taking your time so much, I'm really sorry for the inconvi-"

"Don't you ever say that. You've been a good friend to me even though we just met days ago, you are the first person to talk to me. I'm happy to be your friend and to be by your side this time". I sincerely smile.

"How ironic that you saw me like this within a days of us in the organization. I would love to know you more, even outside the organization". He smiled brightly, I know that's not a fake smile, he really is happy with what he said.

"I would love to know you more too! Let's go out sometimes or everyday- but you have to heal that first. I'll be there with you". I pointed to his heart, which made him chuckle.

"Oh my, I totally forgot you have a date tonight! I'm really really sorry to take up your time". He got up while panicking.

"Hey, that's fine! I guess our date just got cancelled too-"

"But still, you should be going now. I'll see you tomorrow at the organization. I will tell you more about me". He said as he giggled.

"Do you want me to call someone for you? like friends?". I asked and picked up my phone.

𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞/ 𝐞𝐧𝐡𝐲𝐩𝐞𝐧 𝐣𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐰𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now