Chapter 43

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We all headed back to our room to wash up since we need to check out now

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We all headed back to our room to wash up since we need to check out now.

I haven't talked to Heeseung, he still avoided me whenever we crossed, he just avoided looking at me.

"Mom...". She's sitting where we ate for the last two days.

"Oh, come here, let me brush your hair". I walked towards her with my brush on my hand.

I sat down beside her and give the brush. I turned around to her with my feet on the chair, crossing both of my legs in front of me.

"You're doing fine?". She started to brush my hair.

"I am, I'm just... I'm worried about Heeseung". I tell her honestly.

"Let him process everything first, he'll be okay". She replied and kept on stroking the brush through my hair.

"But what if he didn't?". Here I am again with my what if.

"That won't happen. Do you think he will not understand it?-- the brother of yours who loves you the most more than himself?". We both laughed after mom said it.

"That memory of the three of you when you were young is still vivid. The day you were born your brothers rushed to the hospital even though they have class, Heeseung at kindergarten and Hae-in in 3rd grade. They both cried hysterically when they heard that I gave birth". Even though I can't see her face, I know she's smiling.

"Especially Heeseung, to the point his teacher called to take him to the hospital, while Hae-in skipped class, he went over fences". I laughed at how crazy my brothers are.

"And that's because they want to see you as soon as I give birth. They are so excited to have a younger sister, you came at the right time". I pursed my lips.

"Heeseung used to sing to you when you were still in my belly, he will put his little hand on my belly while singing because he said you can hear him so that he becomes your favorite brother". I suddenly feel bad because I often tell him my favorite brother is Hae-in as a joke, both of them are my favorite brothers.

"He cried so hard when he knew that the baby inside my belly was a girl. I had to put him beside me to make him sleep or else he would end up crying the whole night. He keeps touching my belly every time he gets home from school. You were loved ever since you were baby, he loves you and will always be. Just give him to process this all". Mom finished brushing my hair, I put down my feet and sat properly.

"I remember how he looked at you while you were sleeping and then proceeded to ask me "Mom, is there a way to protect someone?", I asked him why and he just answered, "I want to protect Louisa until we're old and smelly", that's when I knew he would be a great brother to you- both him and Hae-in". I wiped tears that suddenly dropped on my cheeks.

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