We're only truly dead until we're forgotten.

The further I walk, the louder the sobbing gets.

And that's when I finally find him.

Yoongi is kneeling on the ground with his bucket hat on the grass. His hands are all over his face wiping away the merciless tears cascading down his cheeks. He doesn't even notice I'm here and part of me is relieved, because it's good for him to let it all out. All the times I asked him what's wrong, he never gave me a clear answer; he wasn't obligated to give me one, but I care enough for him to ask him if he's okay and out of all the times we've spoken, I can now tell that none of the things he's told me were truthful. That cocky, overconfident, smug attitude of his is a mere façade because he's hiding this underneath. My eyes fall on the writing on the headstone and a gasp escapes my lips when I realize the reason, he was so distant all week.







"N-Nox?" Yoongi croaks and I turn to him. "What are you doing here?" He gets off the ground with shaky knees and walks towards me with wobbly steps. I look at him straight in the eye and my voice is gone; his eyes are dark, demeaning, equally demented as his stare.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He asks again, his voice calm like a dead still lake. If you covered his face, I would have never figured out he was crying seconds ago.

My limbs are frozen, and I don't dare to move a muscle as he scrutinizes me from head to toe. Dark circles are framing his eyes and his skin is anemically pale; the veins on his neck branch out like faded blue vines from under his translucent skin and his knuckles are white, but his fingers are reddened as if he's been punching a wall.

"Did you follow me?" He questions and I shake my head lamely. His eyes fall on the container in my hands. "You fuckin followed me out here, didn't you?"

"Yoongi, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to," I start saying but he cuts me.

"You didn't mean to do what?" He snaps. "Fucking follow me out in the middle of a fucking cemetery in the middle of nowhere to see me fucking crying for my brother? What the fuck is wrong with you Nox?"

Tears well in my eyes as he stares at me accusatively and I can't blame him. I did follow him out here without him knowing. I did invade his privacy. I did step over the line. There are many things wrong with me.

"I-I thought you were playing hooky." I sniffle. "I only wanted to surprise you."

His lips turn into a thin line. He walks up to me, and I find myself backing up when he grabs the container from my hands and opens it. For a split second there, his glare softens but then his eyes find mine and the next thing I know he drops the box with the sweet on the grass then walks all over it.

"Yoongi, I'm sorry," I cry. "I'm so sorry. Please forgive me,"

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" He says, his deep voice making me freeze to ice. "Who the fuck do you think you are to follow me out here with fucking sweets to make me feel better acting like you're my fucking girlfriend. You knew all along there was something going on and I repeatedly evaded answering your questions. And you take that as a goddamn fucking invitation to intervene? Who the fuck do you think you are to me?"

Tears are falling over my face, my heart shattered in a million slivers as he kicks the container away until it hits a tree. He snatches away the bag of sandwiches I made and tosses them on the ground before stomping down on them with his cracked Converse heel. I'm staring at him speechless when he finally stops, and my hands are shivering, my lips quivering. He takes slow steps in my directi0n and all I want to do is run away and hide from him.

"I asked, who the fuck do you think you are to me huh?" He asks, his breath fanning across my face. "Just because I tutored you a few fuckin times, it doesn't mean anything. You're still nobody to me Nox."

Cold sweat is coursing on my back and my breathing comes out shallow and shaky. I don't dare to say anything back or fight back because everything he said was true.

"Get the fuck away from my sight." He finally says, his voice frighteningly lighter than mere seconds ago. "Don't ever speak to me again."

this chapter gave me some feels

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