Chapter Twenty-One: New Threat

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Shelby's POV

I sit in the elevator with Jamal, Andre and Hakeem as we wait for the elevator to be fixed, Andre starts freaking out and talking about our father and him being an outsider

"Dre just calm down man" Hakeem says coming towards him

"You have no idea, you weren't even there when it was really hard, when we were kids, when Dad was cheating on mom with some slut" Andre says, I go to punch him but Hakeem pulls me back and pins me to the elevator wall

"When it was pitch was only me, me, were babies" He says before punching the wall

"You need to watch how you talkin to because I grew up in the same bullshit way you did so do look at me or shame my mama just because our father did things......keep yo ass over there" I say in a dark voice

I feel my phone vibrate but I ignore it and look back at Andre

"I worked harder than anybody up in here, I made Empire 8 to 10, 8 to 10.....everyday and I do that just for my father to look over me and look at y'all to be the future, even an outsider to be in the running" He yells

I glare at him as he does the same

Jamal starts talking about this song that calmed them down and I watch as they calm Andre down and get him to relax, I don't join in and just watch them do this as if this is an regular thing, they hug him

We finally got out of the elevator and we're in the conference room looking at the stats, we're losing and I'm biting my nails hoping that Zendaya pulls through for us because she's one more hope

"Y'all got stuck in an elevator" Dad says as he walks in

"Dad we got Zendaya or well I hope we do, she's gotta come in and go through the paperwork" I say and everyone goes back and forth

"What are y'all doing sittin on y'all asses, Tiana are going to talk to Ankia" Cookie says and my heart much as I hate her for what she did to me, she's a really important artist to Empire

I don't hear anything my father tells me until suddenly he's in front of me and he puts his hands in my shoulders

"What is going through your head right now" He says I try to think of a plan to lure her back without much media stir

"I don't know but what I do know is that we need to make sure the media doesn't get too  much information on this move" I say as my phone gores off

I pull my phone out and see a text from Jania and Zendaya, i scoff as I read Zendaya got a better deal from a completely different label

I open Jania's and I start to read it

Jania❤️😫🎼:Tiana just left with Anika, I saw her while I was working on music, where are you

I sigh and text her back that we're trying to find a way to get Tiana back before shutting my phone and seeing Cookie run up to us

"Guys I need y'all to go to find Anika, i got Tiana" Cookie says as she types in her phone

"I got it, Shelby go check with ya girl cause Creedmour is tryin to poach artists and she may be next" Hakeem says and I nod and call Jania and walk towards the studios

"Baby where are you" I say to myself as I wait for her to answer and  look in each studio down the hall, I make it to one of the studios and see a guy I don't know sitting on his phone

"Oh my bad man" I say and he looks at me with a sour look

"It's ok......if your looking for Jania, she went to the bathroom" He says but I can hear a bit of bitterness in his tone which catches me off guard

"Ok....who are you" I say as I cross my arms and look at him, he stands up and now we're face to face

"Im Giveon, I'm new to Luscious's Lyons daughter huh" He says looking me up and down

"Yea I am, and Jania's girlfriend so take that bitter attitude out ya mouth if you finna be around her and me" I say and he scoffs and shakes his head

"Whatever got it" He says and we stare at each other for a bit till we hear someone walk in causing me to turn around and see Jania looking at both of us but soon her gaze turned to Giveon

"Why are you here, I told you wanna work on my music alone" She says

"I just wanted to talk" He says but I step in

"She said she wanna be alone and I'm here in business so step out" I say and he leaves without another word, I look at Jania as she walks into the studio

I sigh and walk over to her and hug her from behind and kiss her cheek

"So that's the guy you was with last night" I say calmly

"I don't feel like doing this right now Shelby, yes that's him and I know he likes me so don't rub it in my face" Jania says irritatedly

"I wasnt going too.....but I'm happy you told him off, but I am here for business so I wanna ask...has Creedmour contacted you" I say as as I unwrap my arms from her and she looks at me

"No they haven't....can't believe Tiana is leaving" She says and I laugh a little

"She's not but she gotta prove her loyalty to us before anything....this business gotta run on power and strength" I say and Jania smiles at me

"It does which means that as much as I don't like Giveon eyeing me, you gotta keep a cool head" She says and I suck my teeth

"I did keep a cool head" I say and Jania laughs causing me to look at her

"What's so funny" I say as she wipes her tears

"Shelby I could hear y'all talking, you sounded so jealous and stand-offish.....if you wanna run this company one day then you have to learn how to deal with people who will get in your nerves....look you can defend yourself and stand your ground but be professional" She says and I sigh and pull her close to me

"Your right" I say and she smiles and kisses me

"I know and if they flirt with me along the way then well........still be professional and I can maybe tease them" Jania says and I raise my eyebrow

"You know there will be a punishment waiting for you if you do" I say as I start to move us to the couch in the studio

"Well I'll take my punishment" She says in a bratty tone, I smirk and push her in the couch before getting on top of her

"Well let me punish you for last night first" I say before kissing her

As long as we good.....I got everything I need

A/n ok well ummmmmm don't hate me, and don't hate in the Janos character please, she had no choice and now I shall write for the next chapter

Update: yea ummmm I scratched that entire thing with Jania leaving because I wanted too and it wasn't ok to do, she's staying and getting some character development outside of Shelby so be ready for that


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