Chapter one: Oh hell nah

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Shelby's POV

Finally it's Saturday, which means that I have no school and I'm free from that hell hole. I get bullied, well not bullied nor like made fun of because my mom is a stripper, I'm not ashamed of my mother one bit, she raised me on her own because my father decided to choose fake over me, his only daughter. You might be wondering who my father is, well he's the notorious Luscious Lyon, the CEO of empire. I hate him wit a passion because he chose to leave my mom with nothing once he hit it big.

I shake the thoughts of my father out of my mind and get up to get showered and dressed, once I'm done,  I come into the living room to see my mom at our table in the living room eating breakfast and watching tv, I smile and say " hey mama" she looks up from the tv and and gives me a sad smile and says " hey baby, good morning" I frown hearing her voice and her sad smile, I look at the tv and see what she's looking at, my father and his new fiancé walking into empire together. I look away and go to my mon and hug her, she hated him too but she's heartbroken as well, she thought he would stay and make all of us a family, meaning him and my three half brothers but no he left and didn't look back. I kiss the top of her head and I eat breakfast with her and joke around to cheer her up. She finishes and I take out plates and wash the dishes for her. When I'm done I see her turning the tv off and heading to her room, I frown and say " mama where you goin" she turns around and says " baby I got work, I'll be home late too because I have to do some selling as well" I sigh and say " ok mama" she smiles and kisses my forehead and goes to get dressed, I sit on the couch and start playing games on my ps3, mama got it for me on Christmas and I was so thankful, she always made that day special no matter our circumstances. I smile to myself and play. My mom comes out and kisses my head and says " I'm off to the club, lock the doors and you know where the gun is and call if you need" I smile and say " ok mama I love you" she smiles and says " I love you too and do your homework" I playfully roll my eyes as she leaves

Luscious POV

I just got done with the meeting I had with my sons, I have to think of who is going to take over when I die or resign, I can't take any chances. I sigh and sit in my office to do some work till I hear the door open, I look up to see my ex wife, Cookie. I smirk and say " well look who got out" she tools her eyes at me and say " well look who's still an ass" now it's my turn to roll my eyes, she sits in front of me and says " well... aren't you going to ask when I got out" I sit there examining her, she thinks I don't know what she wants after all these years, I sit back and say " what are you really here for Cookie" she sighs and say " well since you wanna be upfront, I want part of mu company back" she then gets up to continue " I served 18 years for this company and I deserve what's mine Luscious" I chuckle and say " why makes you think it isn't yours" she looks at me puzzled and says " I think this way because dog how you divorced me in jail and ran off to start this company without any mention of my name" I sigh and say while getting up " you've been in for a while and I'll be nice and say this, you work your way up in the company, you've been out the game a while and I need well oiled machines not demands" she thinks for a minute before nodding, I smile but soon frown when she says " so what's this I hear about Jamal not being an artist for empire" I growl and say " he doesn't deserve it " she interjects with " why because he's gay or because he's different" I stay quiet knowing that she knows the answer to that. She nods knowingly and says " ima work my way up and ima take my son up with me and just like that she leaves, I watch her and taken peaks at her ass as she does. I groan and rub my head as I continue doing what I need to do but not without thinking " do I tell cookie about my bastard child"

Shelby's POV

I finish my chores as I look at the time, it's 11 and my mom still ain't back, I start to get worried because she usually texts me saying she's on her way back, I pick up my phone to call her but soon I hear gun shots. I duck down in the ground as I see the windows breaking. I army crawl to the safe and get the gun. I stay down until the shots stop and I hear tires screeching down the road. I go outside and look around until I look in my driveway and nearly pass out, I see my mom on the ground covered in blood, I instantly run to her and scream " mom please no please no wake up" she isn't moving so I call 911 and wait as I try to stop the bleeding, our neighbor comes over to help and I put the gun in my pants, the police come and so do the ambulances. The techs pull me back so they can attend to my mom, I walk over to the steps and start to cry, I have a sick feeling in my stomach and I don't like it, the office comes over to me and asked me questions on why I happened, I answered them and they say then need me to come to the hospital. I get in the ambulance and ride with my mom.
Time skip

I sit in the waiting room tapping my foot waiting for the nurse to come to me and tell me my mom is ok, I need to hear that because I don't wanna go into foster care. I sit there till I hear someone come in, I look up to see my neighbor come in and hug me, I hug back but I see the nurse coming and I pull away and walk towards her, she asks " are you Ms. Collins daughter ?" I nod and say " is she ok", the nurse pauses and looks at me sadly, I start to shake as she says the words I didn't wanna hear " your mother passed away, I'm so sorry" I fall to the ground as my neighbor tries to comfort me, I can't believe the only person that cares about me is gone, my mother is gone. I look up at the nurse with teary eyes and say " can I see her please" she nodes and walks me to my mom, I shudder as I see her lifeless on the table, the nurse steps out for a bit and I just sob uncontrollably, I then say " mommy I'm so sorry, I should have came to the club, I should have called earlier, I love you mama and ima miss you, ima do what I wanna do in life and I won't let you down" I get ready to talk again when I hear the police come in, they come over to me and say " Shelby we need to you come to the station" I look at them confused and the officer quickly says " your not in trouble, it's just your father is at the police station" my eyes widen as I look at  the officer.

" my fathers at the station"

Ouuuu that's the end of chapter one, damn that's a lot of words, I'm sorry if this sucked, I'm just starting out❤️

Empire State of mind حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن