Chapter Twenty- Seven: What is going on!?

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Not proofread

Shelby's POV

I sit in the conference room at Empire as I try to handle the pr nightmare that Hakeem started

"Hey I need hands on deck, get rid of any sort of rumors and speculation of a toxic business as much as you can, we can try and spin it's apart of Hakeem's branding like the bad boy of the three sons and I, spin it like he was just a disgruntled artist.........someone call Hakeem and clear up his intentions before you clear anything about him leaving" I say to marketing and Pr

"Right on it" some of the guys says and I nod, I walk out of the office before to see Cookie and Luscious arguing as well as some guards as I look at them escorting her out

"What the hell is going on in this family" I say to myself as run my hand through my hair, I pull my phone out to call Andre but get sent straight to voicemail

"Fuck" I say in frustration, I switch and call Jamal but he doesn't answer either so I send him a text about Cookie getting taken out of empire by guards

I work out in the gym as I try to think of everything happening, my marketing advice worked a bit, Andre left, Jamal is growing more and Hakeem is off his shit

I put my weights down before grabbing my speaker and phone before walking out of the weight room, as I do I get a call

"Hello" I say into my phone

"Meet me at the address sent to you later tonight, bring no one" A familiar female says through the phone before hanging up

I look at my phone weirdly before going to my room to shower, I don't got time for this

I need a break..a breakthrough even...

Time skip

I walk into my old yard and to my front door as the gunshots of that day play in my head, I shake them out before unlocking the door and walking in and look around

The memories keep flooding in as I think of how many times my mama and I were in here just playin with music notes and melodies

Flashback( 5 years ago )

"No baby you gotta make sure they sync together....just slow down and try again" Mama says to me and I nod before grabbing the piano and going one note at a time

I start to feel out the music then I start to freestyle the notes and beats in my head

"There you go little prodigy" Mama says excitedly as she cheers me on and I start to go faster with it as a smile comes up on my face

"See....just slow down and you'll find out everything and even some new things pop up" She says and I nod before she pulls me into a hug and kisses my head before getting up and going over to the table across the room

"Thank you mama" I say as I start to play out piano rift I made as I look at my mother counting some money and putting it away in a box

Flashback over

I look around before finding my old piano, I sit on the couch as I start to play the old rift like I never lost it

Which I didn't

I start to smile as the thought come back to me

(A/n that piano rift is what I'm talking about^^)

I smile as lyrics start to come into my head

🎶"Listen mama, so many words to describe you
Strong would be an understatement
Warrior would suit you so much better
'Cause you've been fighting"🎶

I sing as I think of all the times she had to work late to support us, how men would harass her at work and even try to take advantage of her

But she never gave up

🎶"Mama, oh mama
For everything you've been through, there's nothing that I won't do for you
Mama, oh mama
See you deserve the best of what this world can offer to you
Mama I love you, mama, mama, mama I do love you
Mama I love you, mama, mama"🎶

My strong queen, as I start to get blocked..when her voice comes to head

"See....just slow down and you'll find out everything and even some new things pop up" She says and I nod before she pulls me into a hug and kisses my head

I stop what I'm doing as I think of everything, I've been so stressed about taking empire over lately but...I don't even want it, I wanna make music

I smile at the piano in front of me as I get up and bring it with me out the house, I lock the house up and go to walk out of my driveway when suddenly I see the person from the phone call in front of me

"I knew I'd find you here" She says as she walks up to me

"What do you want Anika" I say irritatedly as I look at her carefully

"I've watched you grow Shelby...and frankly I want to help you" She says and I raise my eyebrow at her

"You've had so little performances while your brothers have thrived on publicity and wide spread attention for their music about I become your manager and we fix that...I'm talking tours, album release parties and more" She says she's as she walks closer to me

"And what do you gain, you always want something from what I'm told" I say looking from her lips to her eyes, Anika comes close and puts her hand on my chest and gets really close to my face

"Revenge and....You" She says catching me off guard


A/n heheehehehehe Anika needed jail time tbh, what you think finna happen


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