Chapter Twenty-Four: The Truth

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Trigger warning ⚠️ Guns involved

Shelby's POV

I sigh and look at Jania and we share a look

"Can we talk later please...the rest of my family gon be here soon" I say and Jania nods and walks back into the room, i sigh and walk over to Darnell

"Hey man" I say as we walk into the living room

"Guys this is an old friend of mine Darnell, I forgot to mention I was bringing him on this histrionic night" I say and my father looks him up and down before walking over

"Hey you know my daughter from when y'all grew up huh" Luscious says

"Yea I do, y'all got a great home man I ain't never seen something like this" I say and I laugh a little and I see Cookie and Jania sharing a look, I note that and just as I go to say something, Darnell start greeting everyone and I see him looking at Jania in a way I don't like

I see her shift uncomfortably and I got to go over to her but I'm stopped by my father

"Where did you meet this boy" He whispers

"I met him in the club as a kid...our moms worked together" I say casually as I watch him sit next to Jania and now I'm laser focused on him

"How his mom now" Luscious says but I keep looking at Darnell as he talks to Jania and I see her scoot away from him a bit and Cookie chime into the conversation

"He um....his mom is good, he told me she got a promotion after mama died....she helps him a lot financially since he got a baby" I say and Luscious nods and walks away from me, I see him type on his phone before speaking again

"Camilla...Darnell, come with me I'll show y'all around the house a bit" He says and Darnell goes with my father excitedly and Camilla follows

I go over to Jania who is watching them walk out the room

"You ok...I saw he was makin you uncomfortable" I say

"Yea he was...I don't got a good feeling about him Shelby" She says suspiciously

"I don't either, he lookin a little too hard at this house...same with that Camilla and she think she slick gettin with my son at her old age" Cookie says as she looks at us before getting up

Luscious's POV

" both care about my children" I say as I pour myself a glass

"I love your son Luscious, he's going to be great someday" Camilla says and I internally cringe

"Yea ya daughter is cool man and she said she'd help me out so I got her no matter what" Darnell says and I nod as Malcom comes in

"We'll I have a little incentive for you both.....I see you have for both of them and I wonder what it will take for you both to go away" I say as I sit down and I gradually lose the smile I have on my face

"No amount of money will make me leave your son" Camilla says quickly

"I never mentioned money" I say slyly

"Well that's what's you implying, look ya daughter been with me from the jump,I would never mooch off of her" Darnell says, this boy gave himself away so easily

"And I never said you'd do that either" I say causing his face to fall, I've got them where I want them

"See....I am building their futures and molding them...after me and I don't need both of you jeopardizing much will it be, now I'm talking money" I say and Darnell jumps up

"Yo I'm not about to leave my best friend all cause you playin some kind of mind game like bruh I'll really end you right now" Darnell says as he pull out a gun and aims it at me but I don't flinch

Malcom comes over and gets the gun from him with little struggle and puts him in a arm lock causing him to wince in pain

"Camilla I've heard your name pop up so much over these last few months and and the research I did on you was proof enough, your business is under water, your selling your glamorous clothes, your in debt up to your neck" I say causing Camilla's face to scrunch up

I look over to Darnell who's mean mugging me as Malcom keeps him in a hold

"I was able to research you in a matter of minutes, your mother was bitter when it came to Shelby's mother which I know because I knew your mother...Crystal was more successful and liked at the club and your mother couldn't handle that....I found out tonight....that your behind on child support by months, your selling marijuana that's trash compared to everything else sold....the worst of it is......your mother was apart of that scheme to kill Crystal.....and you helped bunkie with the hit" I say angrily

Darnell's face drops and fills with fright causing me to smirk

"So...I'll say again, name your price to leave my childrens lives forever" I say and they both look at each other before looking at me

"2 mil" Darnell says and I nod and wrote his check

"I don't need your money" Camilla says and i nod and write her a 25,000 dollar check , I hand it to her and hand Darnell his

"Your a disgusting human being and I can't wait till you die because I'll be back" Camilla says before ripping up the check and tossing it in my face, Darnell stays silent and walks out with Malcom leading them out of my house

The less leeches I have to deal with the better

A/n oof well ok that was ummm.....something lol


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