Chapter 17: Anamostity

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Start writing your story

Shelby's POV

I walk into Empire with Jania in a hurry since my father told us to not waste time when we left before hi, I look over to Jania and I cant help but bite my lip, she's wearing her favorite outfit today and its become my favorite recently

A brown pantsuit with a white corset top and some nice low heels for walking around, i bite my lip as I come closer to her and she looks at me and smiles

"Stooppp your always looking at me like that now" She says pushing me back causing me to smile and stop 

We walk in and she prepares the table while I just watch her but I calm down since this morning told both of us that today will be very busy and full of chaos, especially since Jamal's coming out and now with Anika's betrayal, we are in full on war 

I get up as people come in and I stand off to the side as I se my father and Cookie coming in, they talk to the new guy Malcom and then head off but before they do I see my father call me over, I wave bye and good luck to Jania before heading out and over to him 

"What's up Dad" I say confused 

"Have you written any songs lately" He says causing me to look at him shocked

"Ye I have, you want me to record today" I say confused 

"Yes and preferably a duet, w need to keep the ball rolling and since your pumping out songs I need you in the studio ok" He says seriously 

I nod and he pats my shoulder and heads off with Cookie as I head to the studio, I get there and instantly pull out my notebook and start searching for a song that would be great, I finally find one that I think will help with the Empire drama 

"Yo Shelbs we need you in the conference room" I hear a voice say, I turn to see Hakeem 

"Ok I'm coming" I sy putting my notebook down as I follow Hakeem to the conference room, I see people scrambling everywhere as they network and I instantly go in and go over to my father 

"You needed me" I say looking at everyone then him 

"Well I wanna ask you this, do you trust Jania" He says 

"Yes I do and even if I was iffy on her, she's been with me for weeks on end and I haven't had n suspect issues with her" I say defensively 

"Well lets hope Anika didn't try to get to her like she did Porsha, help your brother with the other people ok" He says as Hakeem comes over to him 

"Listen everybody, this morning Beretti tried testing our heart, now where I'm from, someone tries to test your heart , you take there head off, Now the heart of Empire is its family and like any family we've had our differences but when they family is in crisis, they put there differences aside and they come together so we have less than twenty four hours to assure these streets that empire is stronger no than its ever been before, you draw blood" My father says powerfully 

I nod my head and smile before looking over at my siblings who look like they have  a mix of emotions

This is battle


I email some artist form the hood I grew up in who need  leg up, I've wanted to do this for a while but its now or never, Empire needs to keep artist but they also need more, I send the last text and I need and head over to my dad

"Youve got three new artist and one still pending, all looking to get out the hood and make music now I trust theses guys and they have been on it, all you have to do is listen to there demo"I say to my father 

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