Chapter Thirty-Five: The Beginning

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Shelby's POV

I sit in my cell writing music in my note pad, my plans and music haven't stopped especially since I plan on dominating the charts when I get out especially if ima take down Cookie, Hakeem and Andre

"You doing good daughter" I hear causing me to stop writing and look up and see Frank and his goons at my cell door with a cop posted up

"Just know" I say nervously and I put my pad down and look at Frank who has proud smile on his face

"That's you been back with Luscious I see...Crystals death brought it to reality I guess" He says sadly and I nod

"Well...he seems to have brought you down with him in his mess.....but I'm here now" He says confidently

"How's Freda" I say causing his smile to get wider

"She's great...I'd prefer to have both my girls out of here but...that's gon happen soon I hope" He says and I feel that shiver down my spine again

"Yea I hope to get out and get my fa- get luscious out too" I say slipping up on my words

" always did have a big heart" Frank says and I nod

"Got it from my mom" I say and he smiles

"Keep it...she was real...miss her a lot..but you'll see me around Shelby" He says before leaving and the cop locks my cell door

I let out a shaker breath I didn't know I was holding, he's starting that shit again and I need to get out

But something about him saying I got a big heart don't sit right with me

I shower uncomfortably as I try and avoid any of these inmates looking at me with glares and looks, I'm thankful they don't got the looks that come with being hella sexually frustrated

I finish my wash and put my bar of soap on the holder and wash off when suddenly I feel a push causing me to fall into the wall, I look up and see a tall guy washing off where I was just at

"Hey I was washin off asshole" I say and he turns to me and laughs

"Wash off somewhere else shorty" He says and glare before pushing him out the way, he immediately glares and goes to him me but a guard smacks him over the head with a baton causing him to knock out immediately

"Continue your wash" The guard says before walking away, I look at him confused when suddenly I gulp

That cop must be on a payroll with Frank

Time skip

" you know I'm wild but you tellin me to do a lot" My girl Tay says over the phone and I laugh a bit

"Girl you know you been wantin my even got Andre as your wallpaper.....all I'm asking is you help me get these opps...and I got you after I get out" I say and I hear her sigh

"Girl you owe me a lot...but what about my know he got talent so you gon hook him up" Tay says and I smile

"Of course I'll hook Tyshon up...he been there for me for a while..I'll even help you with your dance career" I say and I hear this girl squeal

"Girl you playin" She says and I laugh

" can be my lead dancer and I got connections to Tiana so you good" I say and she hums

"Thanks must want ya dick sucked" Tay says before hanging up, I laugh and put the phone down before heading off with the officer

One part secure, time for the next

I walk to the waiting room and sit down with my boy Leon sitting in front of me with a frown

"You could look happier to see me" I say and he cracks a smile before dappin me up

"Man you know I'm happy to see you but I know I'm here for business" He says and I wave him off

"Yea but you here to see me too...look I know we only really friends because of me and your sister Alyssa but you helped with my bullying so if you help me with this and the fam are set for life" I say and he smiles cockily

"What you tryin to get me into" He says and I smirk

"It involves your connections...the YK gang....I need them for a little favor and get pretty boy to help with some things" I say and he leans back a bit to let me go on

Plans in motion...stay in motion

Time skip

I sit in the lounge area with my dad as we watch tv

"So you gon explain to me why Frank Gathers knows about you and Crystal" He asks as he watches tv

"I will when you explain why you left me fatherless" I say trying to change the subject

"I told you I'll explain at some time....but this Frank gathers thing can't wait" Luscious says and I sigh before looking around, oddly Frank's men and him aren't here


"Ok fine....Frank and my mom used to...used to date, she did work for him but that wasn't all it was..he helps raise me til he started actin wild and gettin controlling so my mom ended it but things didn't end for him" I say and Luscious looks at me intensely

"What are you saying" He says as he looks at me and I sigh not making eye contact with him

"He started stalking could only do so much to stop him but when he started comin to my school that's when my mom got more worried..he's possessive over me and sees me like he sees his daughter" I say and my father groans before looking forward

"That's why he kept lookin at you like what you finna do" He asks

"Nothing....I'm buying my time till we're out and he gon be here and I can get a restraining order" I say and my father shakes his head and turns to me with his eyebrows frowned

"Nah nah you gotta handle this now...he's gon get worse and you know that especially since you only got me...I only got one cop that can help us and I helped you with the shower incident " He says but I stop him by givin him a look

"Remember who were talkin about...he's got a lot of power so I'm not pushin shît" I say before turning away again, thankfully my father drops it

I hope that this goes as planned because it has too...if I don't want anyone hurt

A/n ok ok well uhhhh What Shelby doin man


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