Chapter Nineteen: New People

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Shelby's POV

It's the next day and everything has been chaos, not only with Tianas ass coming over but now I'm conflicted on how to feel because fame does change people, it definitely changed me but I need to have faith in my baby

I close my laptop frustratedly as I keep seeing news and rumors of me going to creedmore and even more saying that Jania and I are faking our relationship and that Jania is a rebound to Tiana

I hear a knock on my door causing me to turn around and see Jania standing there looking sexy as ever

"Hey baby" I say going over to her, she looks at me with a straight face causing me to stop walking at looks her

"What's up, why you got that look on your face" I say confused and put off

"Why was Tiana here" She says causing me to sigh, Great

"She came to talk about her and I and well it didn't go well" I say irritatedly as I remember the conversation

"Well that's not what I'm seeing and judging by the smell of perfume all over the couch, it seems to have went well actually" Jania says angrily, I frown my eyebrows, I know she is not about to accuse me of cheating

"If your trying to allude to what I think you are, your mistaken" I say as I raise my eyebrow

"Well tell me what you guys talked about because I just came from empire and she is gloating to people about how good you fucked her yesterday" She yells

"Jania I didn't cheat on you, she came and started talking about wanting to get back together and I obviously said no and she accused me of cheating on her with you and I again said no because she cheated and then she said that you'd change because of fame" I say honestly, I'm not finna lie to her nor keep anything because that only causes resentment

"Oh......I should have went with my gut and ignored her taunts I'm so sorry baby" She says and hugs me tightly, I sigh and hug her back and decide to let it go

"I accept your apology but you need to trust me, I have no interest in anyone else" I say honestly

"Neither do I and I'm not going to change my whole personality because of fame, I'm always gonna be me" She says which causes me to shake my head at myself

I really thought she would fold on me....she's a real one

We spent a few hours watching Netflix, making out, playing games and just enjoying each other's company, she really was sent down from heaven to me and I can the more grateful

Jania leaves because of some other things my dad needs her to do since he's meeting with Travy right now to try and cut a deal so he'll stay

I decide to start writing more music but I decide to be different about it, I keep writing and soon I have like half and 5 songs made, I get up from my piano and home soundboard that I installed into the room and head over to my computer

I go on Twitter to check out the latest social updates regarding empire, I keep scrolling as I see the same thing but stop when something catches my eye

TMZ: Zendaya is considering going back into music and joining Empire instead of returning to Creedmore says anclose representative of hers

I instantly jump up and run to my phone on the charger and go to Instagram and dm her quickly

Me: Hey Z, wanna collab, I heard your going back into music

I sigh and put my phone down after sending the dm and go to go back to my iPad but I hear my phone buzz, I turn back around and grab my phone to see she responded to me

Zendaya: Hey Shelbs I'd love to collab and based off what I've heard about you, you have something already ready for us

I smile and dm her back

Me: of course I do and it's different from what I usually put out, come to my house and we can record rn if your in the area

I smile before going to the song that I have an idea of, I smirk and start memorizing the lyrics, I feel my phone buzz and see she texted back

Zendaya: I'm in the area, just send that address and I'll be there soon, thanks for the opportunity Shelby ❤️

I smile and text her the address and keep going over the song and making the beat and the rest of the song, as I continue to make the song I hit my dad up to tell him the good news

I call and it rings for a bit before he answers

"Hey Shelby what you got for me" He says tiredly

"I got Zendaya dad, we're gonna get her when I record with her I just know it, she's coming over soon so I gotta go because I got something fresh and new for people to see" I say confidently

"Well I know you probably got more songs so save the recording and maybe we'll make it your next album, ima talk to Hakeem for a minute but thanks for the heads up" Luscious says

"No problem dad, see ya" I say before hanging up

I hear the door bell ring causing me to put a shirt and some socks on before heading to the door, I open it to see Zendaya standing there looking at me

"You ready" I say as I smirk at her

"Definitely" She says before walking in, I let her in and shut the door before leading her to the recording studio in my bedroom

This is going to be amazing

Jania's POV

I sit in the studio trying to figure out what song to write, I have so much on my mind and I don't know where to start, usually Shelby would be helping me but I want to do this on my own since it's going to be my first single

I tap the paper over and over before deciding to go on my phone for a bit of a break, I watch some TikTok videos

"Need help" I hear at the door, I turn to see Giveon standing at the door

"A little bit......I can't shake the overthinking" I say embarrassingly as he walks into the room as I speak

"Is this your first single"He says causing me to just nod

"Well what has you overthinking" He asks

"Everything really....what I'm going to sing about, what will people expect, will it do good, will I be seen as serious" I rant as he listens carefully to what I say

Giveon looks at my notebook then to me before picking it up and sitting next to me and writing something down causing me to look at him

"What are you doing" I say confused, he continues to write before stopping and looking at me

"Well what statement do you wanna make with your music, what is the thing that made you wanna become an artist" He says as he looks at me intently making me shift in my seat

"Well I wanna make a point that I mean what I say and that I'm real" I say seriously, Giveon moves closer to me and takes the notebook and pencil and gives it to me

"Well then write something that is real, comes from the heart and shows that you mean wholeheartedly as well as shows off your talent" he says

"Thank you.......that made it a bit easier" I say awkwardly as I take my now book and pencil from him, he smiles at me charmingly before getting up

"No problem beautiful" He says before winking and leaving the room

I look stunned at the door he once stood at before turning back to my notebook, he's right I mean that's what I should focus on instead of everyone's opinions about what I should and shouldn't write

I start writing down ideas and then lyrics start to come to my head and I start to flow with everything

I can't wait to release this song

A/n ok well I updated this story and we'll I like where things are going and how the story is progressing and we'll I have reasons for not updating this that I won't go into but I have and idk where the storyline of some characters with go but I'll figuring things out


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