Chapter Thirty- One: Tension Building

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Shelby's POV

I sigh as I just keep thinking, he protected me like a father should have but what am I finna do, I wanna protect him but Cookie knows and with Anika not leavin my ass alone

There's finna be war

I'm knocked out of my thoughts as the elevator dings and my father hooks his arm with mine as we walk out and paparazzi call out names and Vernon talks to my father as I look around and adjust my suit jacket

I'm knocked out of my thoughts as the elevator dings and my father hooks his arm with mine as we walk out and paparazzi call out names and Vernon talks to my father as I look around and adjust my suit jacket

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A/n Shelby's suit, with or without the cut in the pants ^^^

"You are gon make your name known with this concert, perform with Jamal since I took Hakeem out of the show" He says before detaching from me and walking over to Michelle as he has me stand behind him with Jamal and the rest of my brothers

I look around and see Tiana looking at me, I give her and stank look before looking forward, the people asks some questions when some bitch ass guy rapper comes up and starts insulting Jamal and I

"He mad my dick bigger, get his ass out" I say causing him to try and come at me and I smile and flick him off and my father smiles at me

I sit in the conference room with my father, Jamal, Andre and the rest of the team as we go over ways to handle the Rambo situation

"Look if we publicly attack Black Rambo, he'll respond and dominate the cycle of press for the concert" One of the Pr guys says

"Nah, we release a statement saying we don't condone what he said and that we aren't going to let his ignorant comments take up for our great concert we got coming up, fluff up the concert in the response which will direct the attention back to the concert" I say

"And who releases the statement" Jamal says as he leans up and rests his arms on the table

"Dad does....he's the model of the hood/ came from the bottom lifestyle that Rambo was ranting about, if he releases it then it shows that no matter where you come from, you can still not be as ignorant and dumb as him" I say and Jamal nods, I look to my father and he smiles proudly at me

"So...I'll release a statement, Shelby I want you to write it just like that and I'll get it out to the public and well...we welcome Black Rambo leaving" Luscious says as he pats me on the back

"Are you kidding me..that's a terrible move, it'll weaken the stock prices and cost share holders millions" Andre says ans I roll my eyes

"Thanks for the support Dre" Jamal says sarcastically

"This isn't about you, it's about empire" He retorts back

"No, empire is Jamal and Jamal is empire as are you" My father says

"Yea and if we support bigotry then we'll lose business that way, you know how many lgbtq artists would love to sign here and if we allow this to happen then they'll look at Jamal being head of Empire as just something for marketing which tanks us" I say seriously

"Wow....aren't you smart all of a sudden...and dad..what am I, empire or Jamal or empire now the cult of Jamal, we're launching an IPO right?......this is not the time to take a bold stand in a matter that alienates so many of our customer, no offense Empire" Andre says and i scoff

"This is why you weren't chosen.....the minute you don't get what you act like a pussy and take it out on everyone around you not realize how bitter you sound right now" I say as I get up and so does Andre

"You've been in this family two minutes and you've been promoted so fast yet I worked my ass off to get here and I'm not listened too" He yells as he gets in my face

"Your bitter about not getting Empire, i get it but be professional for know better and you sound like a child who didn't get they toy you little bitch" I say angrily, suddenly I feel a hard hit to my eye causing me to stumble back

"Get his ass up out of here" Jamal yells, I look up to see Andre being escorted out

"You alright" My father says as he puts his hands on my shoulders

"I'm good...he's just a bitch" I say as I feel my eye as I feel it getting more swollen

" You wanted to talk" Cookie says behind me causing me to turn and let out a sigh

"Yea....look let's just get right to it....I'm sorry about my father killing Bunkie" I say quietly and Cookie waves me off

"Baby its not something YOU should be apologizing for, it's yo sorry ass daddy" She says

"Yea but the reason he did it....I feel is justified" I say causing her head to go up

"Why is that....because of the hit he put out on ya mama" She says and I nod

"Shelby let me tell it to you like this...your mother wasn't who she was around you, she did a lot of grimy stuff and ima tell you this since you need to know...she used Bunkie for his money and she had not business being involved in all that " She says and I'm taken aback

"She didn't....I saw every time he came over, laid hands on her and thought it was ok to do it to me, that man put a hit in her for not giving him the money she earned because of a debt HE had...he used her Cookie not the other way around" I say offended, how dare she take up for this asshole, blood or no blood

"Is that what your father is telling you, she tried so hard to break up my marriage with Luscious especially since she was out here like that....she ain't who you see her as and you need to see that" Cookie says

"I know my mother did things that were wrong, hell I'm the result of it but she didn't deserve to die.....I'm sure you did shit you regret but it was for the stability of your provide, keep in mind the man you love so much...abandoned me for y'all" I say before walking away from Cookie

I'm done with all that bullshit

A/n damn.....shit is really hitting the fan with the Lyons and Shelby is at odds with everyone....but watch Anika y'all...just sayin


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