Chapter Twenty-Five: Out of Control

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Trigger warning ⚠️ gun violence and character death, read till the end

Shelbys POV

I walk into the dinning room as I hear arguing going on, Jania follows me as Jamal and Hakeem walk in with us

"Yo what's going on" Jamal says

"Where's Camilla" Hakeem says, I look around as well and don't see Darnell

"Yea and where's Darnell" I say, suddenly Vernon walks in clearly out of his mind and on something and he walks in with Olivia who I've seen before but only a little, I look at Vernon weirdly as I look as my fathers looks at everyone for a second

"Everyone out" My fathers says as he ushers us out except for Vernon, we all get out and sit in the living room as we awkwardly look at each other

I look over at Jania and grab her hand before leaning into her ear

"I understand why your doing what you gotta do.....don't need to explain everything to me right now and I'm proud of you" I say before kissing her cheek, she smiles at me and kisses me

"Thank's been hard having to think about it but, I need too" She says and I nod as the doors open back up and my father walks out and into the living room, I look over at Olivia as looks...anxious

I got to walk over to her but suddenly the door busts open and I see Darnell walking in with a gun in his hand and Malcom in a head lock

"Yo Darnell chill what you doin" I say as I go and shield Jania, everyone starts freakin out and I push Jania towards the back behind me more

"Yo I want more money man, that's cheap shit you gave me" Darnell says coming closer with Malcom struggling to get out

"Darnell please don't do this" Olivia yells, I look over to her and so does Darnell

"There you are little lady........I've been lookin for you and my daughter" Darnell says, then it clicks, that's Darnell's baby mama

"Yo Darnell chill man just put the gun down and let Malcom go" I say as I walk towards him, he adjusts his gun and my father yell and tells him to put the gun down

"Yo you'll get ya money...just don't hurt my family" I say and Darnell chuckles

"So they ya family now.....I was there for you from the jump and then daddy deadbeat swoops in after ya money grubbing mama die and suddenly I'm thrown away" He says and I ball my fists  and go to respond but he cuts me off

"Ion feel to bad cause after yo mamas man put the hit on her with my help, my mama started makin more money at the club...since you wanna abandon us and shit" Darnell says evilly, I feel my heart sink and I glare at him hard

"You helped who.....who put a hit out on my moms man......and you helped" I yell and he puts the gun to my head

"Yea and I need more money and since ya daddy tried to pay me off...I'm willing to bet that he'll give me more if I don't put a bullet in yo head" He says

"Darnell please, think about Lola in this" Olivia says but he points the gun at her

"You shut ya fuckin mouth bitch cause you ran from got hired to be this punk ass bitches wife after all then you say he's her daddy...fuck all that" He yells as he points to Jamal briefly with the gun before pointing it back at Olivia

"You were stalking us...weren't you" She says as I look to Malcom and see he's begging for air, I look to Jania who's scared out her mind

"Damn right I was....that's my daughter and I knew this punk ass family was a gon push me aside and when this mf daddy called you, I thought we could have a meal ticket out baby......He even said he'd take all three of us" He says as he nods to me, I look to my father slowly I take in what's being said

So he knew where I was the whole time.....he could have taken me in before my mother died, enough of this

I punch  Darnell and he let Malcom free out his other arm but Darnell recovers quickly and grabs me and puts the gun to my head and holds me hostage causing everyone to freak out

"No no no no come on.....what's do you want...look I am the one who took them from you, I've done everything bad in the world man so if you shoot me and not'll help everyone in this room" Luscious says, I grab onto Darnells forearm and look at Jania who's being held back by Cookie then look to Jamal and Hakeem who look terrified

"I want ya daughter to pay.....but I want you to pay" Darnell's says and he points the gun to my father but I knock it out his hand and the gun goes flying, I punch him and go for the gun and before he can react I shoot him in the head

Everyone screams and I sigh as I watch him fall to the ground, i walks over to Malcom and help him up before being attacked with a hug by Jania and Cookie

I hug them and we pull away and I see my father in front of me, I glare at him and toss the gun on the ground at his feet

"Your the reason I know how to shoot......and your the reason my mother died the way she did" I say before storming out the room angrily as Cookie and my brothers call for me

The next day

I say bye to Lola with Jamal before walking over to the studios and sitting on the couch, I grab my notepad and start writing, not a song though...I'm writing my feelings

It's something my therapist said I should do, as Im writing I hear a knock on the door causing me to look up and see my father

"Hey Shelby" He says but I don't respond and go back to writing, he sighs and walks over to me and sits down next to me and I move away from him

"Shelby I know your upset.....I'm sorry I didn't take you guys out when I found you guys and knew what your mother was doing" Luscious says and I keep writing and still don't say a word

"I should have protected you and I wish I had done that, genuinely.....I'm your father and I should have protected you" He says and I put my note pad down and look at him causing him to perk up

"Do you know who put the hit out on my mother....besides Darnell" I say angrily, he shifts uncomfortably before looking at me

"No...I don't know who did it" He says and I look at him

He better be tellin the truth

A/n Ok well that's was a lot and I'm very very very interested by this storyline...crazy man also idk what to say lol

Also, in light of the shooting that happened recently at the elementary school In Texas I send my condolences to everyone who lost a child and a parent/ teacher in the tragedy and I pray for everyone to heal (this chapter was written around that time, but I still feel this way)

I am against gun violence and wish for change with this and I only wrote this chapter because of some storyline continuing and ending💕


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