Chapter 11: All down hill from here

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Note: Make it so that Tiana has been cheating on Shelby for weeks

Shelby's POV

" Shelby, Tiana look this way" Say a camera man as we walk down the carpet, I smile and hug Tiana and kiss her forehead, we haven't announced to the public that we're together yet but we plan on doing it soon. Tiana pulls me to continue walking and we go up to a reporter

"Well if it isn't the hottest Lyon, Mrs Shelby, how are you" says the perky lady as she point the mic to me, I smile and say " here I am and I'm glad to be here" she smiles and looks over at Tiana, " girl you are looking fabulous as always" she smile and thanks her was she comes back to me, " so Shelby, are you dropping any new work soon" I smile and say "yes I am, I have a new single coming out in the coming days and I hope that everyone enjoys it" I say as I point to the cheering fans, I'm eating this up right now and I love it, "well Shelby I have a question" I nod and let her ask her question, "do you think you'd be as hot right now if you weren't the secret daughter of Luscious Lyon" my smile instantly fades, who does the bitch think she is sayin that to me, is it true though, right as I go to respond Tiana says " she's an amazing artist and soon enough people will be saying she did everything on her own, right Shelbs" as she smiles at me, I smile at her and say "yea and I'll be on top of the world soon".

The event ends and we drive up to Tianas place, I smile and kiss her and say " thank you for telling off that lady, your amazing" she smiles and pecks my lips one more time before saying " she was out of line, goodnight baby" and with that she leaves the car and head into her apartment. I smile to myself as my security make fun of my goofy smile as we joke on the way back to Luscious house.

Tianas POV

I walk into my apartment and sigh as I close the door, " how was the event with my sister" I hear Hakeem say, I walk up to him and put my arms around his neck, " it was fun but I wanna have my after party that I was promised" i say as he smiles and pulls me closer and we kiss and carry on in my room

Shelby's POV

I wake up the next morning floating on air, the last few weeks have been amazing, I've got the best girlfriend, I've bonded with my family more except Hakeem but he's growing on me a bit. I get up and take my shower and get dressed to head to my mothers grave, I hate that we didn't have a proper funeral service but everything was so much and they had to get her body out of the morgue, I put on my best suit and head downstairs to see Anika and my dad kissing happily, " Hey guys, why are y'all so cheery today, they look at me and smile before my father speaks " Anika and I are getting married, I just proposed" Luscious smiles and looks at Anika with such glee as she shows off her ring, I smile and say " well I'm happy for y'all, Dad I'm heading to my moms grave, I'll be back" he nods and hugs me to which I reciprocate it and head out

I walk through the grass that I know too well as I hold the flowers I bought, I've lost so many friends to gang violence and friendly fire of drive by's that I'm numb to loss, but this one hurt the most. I walk up to her stone and place the flowers down, I sigh as I put my hand in the tombstone and say " hey mama it's me again, Im here to replace the flowers, there your favorite" I smile as the wind breezes past me and I know she's head and listening, I sit down next to her and lay my head down on the stone, " mama everything is going great in my life right now, I know your watching and smiling but I feel like something is gonna happen, Tiana, the girl I told you about last week, something seems off with her, she's been acting funny and I don't wanna say anything wrong or act rash, what do I do mama, give me a sign something is wrong" I sigh and lay there till I feel a strong gust of wind, well damn if that ain't a sign then I don't know what is, I smile sadly and say " thanks mama, I'll always protect my heart" as I get up, I dust the grave off and say "see ya next week mama, I love you" and I walk back to the car and just think, what do I do now

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