Chapter Forty-One: Backstabber

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Shelby's POV

I nod with the guys as I listen to my father freestyle, i start getting my notepad out as I wait for my turn

"You ready Youngblood" One of the guys asks and I nod, my dad ends the song and I dap up the guys as they talk

Just as I go to say something, the door bursts open and one of the cops grabs me harshly and the busted ass cop throws the stuff across the room and one of them takes me out the room

"What the heck you doin man" I yell as I'm taken away and look around for my father

"Daddy can't protect you now inmate, get yo ass in there" He says before taking my cuffs off and throwing me aggressive into the solitary confinement cell

I groan as I hold my shoulder and look at the laughing cop who rips my papers before throwing them at me

"Write your bitch ass rhymes now bitch" He says shutting the doors, I breath heavily and angrily as I stare at the door

Tay's POV

I sit in my house as I wait for Andre's fine ass to get here, he been havin a hard day after leaving Hakeem and his mama and I'm here it make him feel better

"Yo Tay...ya man here" My brother yells and I roll my eyes before walking to the door to see Andre walking in exhaustedly

"Hey Dre......what you wanna do" I ask when suddenly I feel arms wrap around me and Andre kissing me, I immediately kiss back and pull him closer to me as his hands wonder my body

"I need a distraction" He says and I smile before pulling him with me to my room and closing the door behind us

That was easier than I thought

Shelby's POV

I sit with my father and Andre, I smirk at my half brother as I see the hickeys on his neck, he adjusts in his seat and stretches out his back with a slight hiss

Ima have to really get Tay her dream for this

"I heard you want to come back to Empire" My father says and Andre looks at him with pleading eyes

"I never should have been apart of that hostile takeover, I messed up big time pop and I know it....I'm sorry Shelby for bringing you into this when you didn't deserve that at all" Andre apologizes and I smile a bit

"Hurt me to my core to see you take sides against me son" My father says as a smile plays on his lips

"You still a bitch to me" I say and Andre sighs

"Empires in my blood...I bleed..I bleed empire and I'm asking..I'm praying..that you forgive me pop" Andre says as he moves to sit next to our father

"You still go to church...still believe in god" My father asks and Andre nods and says yes sir

"Good...then you pray to god that he forgives you because I don't....and neither does your sister" My father says beside getting up, I smile in Andre's faces as I get up too and leave him sad

"Pop....pop!" Andre yells causing us to turn around

"For years you rejected Jamal because of who he left Shelby stranded in the hood and now all of a sudden he's running the company...Hakeem he slept with your fiancé...apparently you want him back at I stand, contrite, remorseful.......humble and yet you look at I'm some kind of mutant.......why do you hate me" Andre says angrily as he walks closer to us

I see my father freeze for a bit and I look at him confused and a bit worried but he soon comes back to reality

"I don't hate you" My father says before walking away, I look Andre up and down before walking with him out of the visitation room

Damon's POV

I walk into the music label building that Valentina is in with a slight smirk on my face, I keep walking down the hallways and up the stairs to see her dancing alone in tho mirror

"You know....someone could have broken in....kidnapped you or something" I say causing Valentina to jump and turn towards me

"God...Damon you scared the shit out of me...what are you doing here, Hakeem is with his brother" She says and I chuckle before walking towards her

"I ain't here for him...I'm here for you" I say as I grab Valentina's waist and she shudders under my touch

"Damon....I'm not into you alright I'm with Hakeem" She says and I smile at her and duck down to her ear

"I don't believe you...and even if I did, you know I'm much better that's him" I whisper in her ear, Valentina pushes me away from her and I laugh as she looks at me with a flustered expression on her face

"Leave.....what happened...after I left Hakeem's last won't happen again" She says and I shrug

"Suit yourself...I'll be in the car when your ready to leave" I say before walking out, I get to my car and get in as I wait

I look down at my watch and then to the door to see Valentina walking out, she looks around till she spots me and her stare lingers

She sighs and walks towards me car and gets in the passenger seat

"Told you...let's go have fun baby" I say before grabbing her hand and driving off to my place

Hakeem don't know what finna hit his backstabbing ass

Shelby's POV

I sit next to my father as the stank ass lawyer lady talks to the judge, our lawyer ain't here and I'm getting antsy as hell, I feel my fathers hand connect with mine and I squeeze it

"Your honor this is unacceptable, if the defensive counsel isn't present at the bail hearing that he called, then we are wasting our time" Mrs.Ford says as she points to my father and I

"What kind of lawyer doesn't show up for his own hearing" Jamal says and I sigh

"One that can get a sweet kick in the ass if he don't show the hell up" I say under my breath

"I'm here.....I'm here your honor" Our lawyer says as she runs into the court room

"I was this close to throwing your clients back in jail Mr.Rollins, the cases are back up enough as it is" The judge says as Mr.Rollins comes over to us and opens his briefcase

"The court still validates right" Mr.Rollins asks causing me to look at him confused

"I got the new evidence here" He says before bring it to the judge and frown as I watch the judge look through it

"Does counsel think that he's not going to share this new evidence with the prosecutor" Mrs. Ford says and I sigh

I'm losing faith in his guy just a little

"I wouldn't think of it Mrs.Ford" Mr.Rollins says before handing the evidence to Mrs.Ford who snatches it away from him

I watch the judge carefully and notice his face shows utter horror and shame, he sets the evidence down and looks at my father and I

"I think I've....seen enough...this court finds that Mr.Lyon and Ms.Collins poses no flight risk and rule to release him on bail" The judge says as the courts and paparazzi freak out

I smirk as my father and I stand up with pride, our cuffs are taken off us and I smile and rub both of my wrists as I stare at Mr.Rollins slightly confused then to my father

We're free...for now, things are going to as planned

A/n finally I updated Empire and well....I'm sorry for making you guys wait so long for it


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