Chapter Thirty-Six: Another Day in Jail

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Not proofread

Shelby's POV

"Shelby why haven't you called me" Jamal says all hostile over the phone

"Boy you better come to me correct when you talk to me...i ain't one of them mothafucka you be talkin to at ya job now chill...I've been busy...busy tryin to save my ass and our fathers" I say causing Jamal to sigh

"Sorry I've been stressed the hell out and need to get back in the you been though" He says and I look around, I spot Frank talkin and but his eyes keep coming back to me but I look away

"I've been uh..good just tryin to get this bail hearing to come up faster...but that's not why I called need to watch ya back" I say and I can tell this put Jamal off

"What you mean by that" He says confused

"Andre, Cookie and Hakeem on yo ass, plannin something, they also behind why Dad and I are in jail" I say seriously

"You and dad said sure it's true, they family" He says and I sigh heavily in annoyance

"Family don't come first when business is involved...look you need to tighten up and protect yourself and empire...I gotta go but you watch the people you around" I say before hanging up and walking off

"Where you goin Daughter" I hear Frank behind me causing me to turn around with a sigh

"Goin to work out...what you doin" I say casually, my fear for him is still there but I'm more focused on something else

"I'll come with you...heard guys been messin with you in here" He says, I look at his goons who never smile before looking to him

"Yea...a bit but I'm good" I say before walking off to the yard, I get over to the bench and see a guy on it already cause me to sigh, I go to walk away but suddenly I'm grabbed but someone causing me to turn and see one of Franks guys

"Get daughter wants to work out" Frank says and the guy on the bench puts the weight down before standing up

"What you finna do Gathers...punk ass in prison now" The man says and Frank smirks

"Mmm ok....I gottchu" Frank says before looking to the guys, I'm let go and Frank walks towards me as his guys walk away from him and to the man

"What y'all finna do-" Before he could finish, Frank's guys start beating his ass and I hear the man scream in pain, they keep hitting him and hitting him and I can hear bone cracking as I feel Frank's hand on my shoulder

"You not finna be bitched around me" He says and I just nod nervously as I see the guy get taken away by Franks men

"Go work out" He says and I do as I was told, I wipe the blood off the bench before sitting down, I look around the yard and see not one guard moving to where Frank went and some of the prisoners looking at me in fear

I shift uncomfortably before starting my work out

I don't like this at all...even though it's nice to be protected..not like this

Time skip

I sit in my bunk reading up on business when suddenly my cell door opens, I look up and see one of Franks guys walking towards me

"Here little one, from Frank...just know we got you" He says before walking out and a cop escorting him to his cell I presume

I look down at the envelope confused before opening it with a feeling in my stomach growing, I open it so see a note rolled up

I take it out and feel something rolled with it, i unroll it and a finger falls in my lap causing me to scream a bit and move it away from me, I look at it horrified before looking to the note in my hand

You got me now, I ain't leavin you this time


I feel my stomach turn as I hesitantly pick up the finger and roll it back up in the note and put it in my book collection, I lay my head down on my pillow and stare at the wall as I feel my body shake in terror

I sit in a meeting room with my father as this Roxanne lady glares at us both, she talkin about some "she's our worst nightmare" or some shit

"You a bad father to reel your little girl into this mess...and you ought to be ashamed of yourself young lady" She says and i scoff

"Lady I ain't do nothin and neither did he so did you come to talk shit or was there a point to the illegal meeting Ms. Prosecutor" I say and she frowns her lip into a scowl but I roll my eyes

"She's my daughter this old friend, what they have to say about me" My father says

I listen as this lady says that Vernon's snitch ass came to her and told her he believes that Bunky's death had more to due than exstortion and I was apart of it because it had to do with me

My father does most of the talking but I just stare at the lady as I think of a game plan for my lawyer, she leaves and I look to my father who just laughs and I do too

This lady out of her mind

Time skip

I walk into the visitors room and see Frank with his daughter Freda, shit I hate this bitch, mama tried to get us to be like step sisters but all she wanted was to make my life hell, my father hears her rap but I ignore it and go to walk away

"Yo...Shelby..say hi to Freda" Frank yells and I sigh before turning around

"Sup Freda" I say but Freda looks away from me and give a sarcastic wave

"Been a's moms" She says and I look at her coldly

"Dead" I say and she sighs

"Sorry about that" She says and I look away

"Watch yourself Freda...put some respect on Crystals name and Shelbys" He says and I can see her anger building up, she ain't lie, that her precious daddy bonded with me but it wasn't bonding, it was stalking

"I gotta head out but I'll see y'all" I say as I look to my father who looks entranced by Freda causing me to frown my eyebrows at him, ok weird

I walk away but I saw Freda smirk a bit at me but I brush it off

"I see you...Shelby" Frank yells hesitantly

"I see you Frank" I say before walking away, I turn the corner and see a cop

" got a visitor now step" He says and I sigh before turning back and being lead to a room, I walk in and my eyebrows frown heavily as I see who's standing in front of me

"Uhhh surprised to see you here" I say confused

"Hello to you too Shelby" Tiana says with a smile

Didn't expect that

A/n ohhh so Tiana and Shelby  lol...lmao yea uhh ok


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