Chapter Two: Even bigger hell

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Shelby's POV

I stare out the window as I leave the hospital to the police station, this will be the first time I'll  meet my father and I'm not excited, most would he but knowing what he did to my mom and I just makes the whole thing have a bad taste in my mouth about him, to think this man just forgot about me is crazy and I don't know what ima do when I see him

"We're here Shelby" said the officer pulling  me out of my thoughts, I nod and get out with the help of the cops. I walk in and see him sitting there with his security, the grand old dead beat himself. I look at him with an emotionless face and make not move to go near him, he looks up and sees me, he looks like he's examining me and seeing if I'm actually here which is crazy to think that he would never see me

" Shelby, nice to meet you" he says walking up to me with an outstretched hand, I look at his hand and go sit down in a chair. He puts his hand down and sits beside me, he looks at me with pity and slight grieve which is hard to believe.

" I heard about your mother Shelby and as your father I have to bring you in and take care of you" luscious says in a tone that I can only perceive as I don't want to but I have too

I look over at him and say "nice to know you feel obligated to something you didn't want to 17 years ago"

He looks at me puzzled but not shocked that I said that, he shouldn't be, he left us in our ass for years on end

I sigh and say " I have to pack my stuff so just take me to my house or should I say crap hole you left for us" with that I get up and head out the station with his security following me as well as him. One of the security men open my door and I look at him funny and get into the limo. I sit there after the door is closed and just stare off, I still can't believe and don't want to believe my mother died today, just 3 hours ago and not I'm heading to go with my father and potentially meet my half siblings and his new fiancé

"So since we are goi to have to get to know each other Shelby, what are your interest" Luscious says in an awkward tone

I look at him and say " well the Apple doesn't fall far from the tree, I sing and rap, I also do acting"

He looks shocked, as if I wasn't going to pick up on his music gene like my half brothers did

" well have you written and music or record any, maybe you'd be interested in coming to empire" Luscious says hopefully

I look at him like he's lost his mind, is he really trying to pitch a contract with me right now to join empire. Right after seeing me for the first time since I was born and my mother dying. You gotta be kidding me

" you gotta be kidding me right now, my mother just died and your asking me this of all things" I say in a harsh tone

He looks at me and sighs " I'm sorry, I thought we were bonding and empire is built off family and weather you like it or not I am your family"

I look away taking in what he's saying, he remain silent the whole way to my house, my childhood home, I get out and go inside. It smells like my mom in here and all the memories come flooding back

Flashback (9 years ago)

"I'm coming baby" my mom says running into my room after hearing me scream, she comes in to see me holding my knees and looking at my bed in pure terror, she lays next to me and holds me close, rocking en back and forth trying to calm me down

I soon lay my head on her chest breathing slowly and starting to fall asleep, she's still rocking me back and forth and saying " baby everything will be fine, I got you no matter where I am in this world, no monster can hurt you, not a single one"

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