Chapter Forty-Two: Group hang

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[Kelly Oubre is Damon, The other guy is Armani and the girl is Tay]

Shelby's POV

I hold hands with my father as we exit the courthouse, I smile as I breath in the fresh air and ignore the paparazzi and news reports questions about my mothers case and my next album

I look at Jamal and smirk before walking to the limo, I get in and smile as I look out the window

"You happy as hell right now" My father says and I laugh

"Of course I more coon ass cops, no more beatings and no more....really anything shitty about prison" I say and my father sighs

"This is the beginning of us being free Shelby...just work on your music and stay far from your brothers" My father says and I nod

I smirk to myself as I think of all the shît I got goin right now... we gotta head to faze three, just gotta find her trifling ass

"Wait so we can't even go to the studio right now" I say annoyed and Thirty sighs

"No bad influences and since you are the apparent accomplice in this murder case, you count as much as your father" He says and I sigh

"So I can't even record at Empire or my room where my home equipment is till the cops check some shit...great, can I at least see my friends" I say and Thirsty nods

"Of course, as long as they have nothing to do with the case" He says and I just nod and crack my knuckles, I need to meet with Tay and them because now that I'm out

I can watch and facilitate shit better

I walk up to the podium with my father and Jamal as my father makes his speech, I see Roxanne ford in her car watching intently causing me to roll my eyes

We can't go in, we'll be arrested

"Today is the beginning of a new era for the Empire, a few months ago we went public for one very good reason...that was so that we could raises enough take over the music business worldwide...mark this day in your calendar because today is the day that Luscious Lyon told yo...that's soon the world will not be able to utter the word music without mentioning...the the empire" My father says confidently and I raise my wrist with him as a smirk plays in my face

Time skip

"Bro we missed yo funky ass" Damon says as he pulls me into a bear hug and picks me up off the ground causing me to laugh

"I missed y'all fool asses too" I say as I pull a way from Damon and hug Tay, Tiana and my friends from the Yk gang

"Man prison life hurt my future baby daddy" Tay says as she examines my face, I sigh and kiss her knuckle before sitting down on Tay's bed

"Bro...never get arrested...and never go to jail...them mothafuckas don't care about you or what you been through I promise" I say as I stare up at the ceiling

"Don't gotta worry about that...we only give back to our community and sell weed, we not finna get arrested now that it's legal" Armani says and I laugh

"Nigga you in a gang got beef with ten niggas" I say and he laughs

"Whatever..they not gon do nothing...but what's up with this plan you got, I know you wanna get back at your opps" Armani says and I sigh before sitting up

"I know...ima need you to get signed at empire....ima get you a check and you take care of my enemies at the same time' I say and Armani smirks before sitting up from his seat on the couch

"I'm listening" he says

"Ima get you that contract and you put out some actually gotta try because this ain't no joke or part of the scheme, you want a better life for your daughter you gotta earn it...but I believe in you so I'm giving you this opportunity" I say and he waves me off

"Nigga stop explaining something I already know....I got talent like Tay's baby brother so just tell me what I gotta do" He says and I kiss my teeth

Smart ass

"You gon rap, sing all that and do a collab with me....then...ima hook you up with a woman I know you gon like" I say and Armani smiles evilly as he and his boys dap me up

We all hang out for a while till the YK gang leave to do some business

"So what's my part in this" Damon asks and I laugh

"Man you got Valentina the gig with Lyon dynasty as they call themselves, just keep fuckin her and taunting Hakeem...give that Nigga trust issue" I say and Damon laughs as Tay adjust on my chest

"Fair enough....gotta pick her up right now so I'll see you" Damon says before coming over and kissing my forehand

Damon and I been best friends since dippers till his mama and daddy put him in a private school to escape the hood and let him play basketball, his nickname pretty boy was because he loves up keeping his hair and nails

"So when you gon let me fuck" Tay asks and I laugh

"When you not fuckin my brother" I say and Tay scoffs and pouts as she puts her head on my chest once again, I look over to Tiana who looks slightly uncomfortable

"You wanna fuck too T" I say jokingly and Tiana looks at me shocked

"Girl you can't handle this" She says and I roll my eyes and look at her

"I handled it well before and I can do it again" I say and Tiana smirks at me and bites her lip, I smirk back as Tay grabs my chin

"Your brother isn't bad at sex but I'm down bad over here" Tay whispers in my ear dramatically and I roll my eyes but give her a peck on the lips that she moans into

"I gotta go anyway....y'all have fun...see you tomorrow" Tiana says before scurrying away

"What was that about" I say confused and Tay grabs my face and smiles

"Her complicated feelings for you and your brother but don't worry about that baby...come here" She say before kissing me passionately and I kiss back immediately before rolling on top

I ain't got none in a this finna be quick

A/n lmao so yea...YK gang has been introduced, who is Shelby looking for huh?? And also Tay and Shelby!?!?! Tiana don't like that lol


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