Chapter Twenty- Six: Drama

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Not proofread, Shelby's outfit^^^^

Shelby's POV

I finish recording my music and walk out the booth just as Jania walks in, I sigh and sit in my chair as she comes over and sits next to me

"You left the house so fast this morning I didn't even catch you before you woke up" She says as I adjust the sound and the beat in my last song of the album

I stay silent and keep working on my music as I try to numb the pain with work

"Shelby I leave today..your gonna have to face this eventually, I prefer if it's right now" Jania says and I let out a breath as I keep my focus on the sound board but at this point I'm not even fixing anything

"Well I didn't want to watch you pack....would have felt too real" I say finally, but still I don't look at her, Jania take my hands into her own and causing my chair to move and now I'm facing her

"I know that this me I don't wanna do this either nor do I want to leave Empire but..doing both is a lot especially when my family needs me this instant" She says and I sigh as I put my head down

"I know....which is why...I think we should break up" I say slowly as I put my head up, I watch as Jania lets out a breath and looks at me with a sad smile

"That's what I was thinking too" She says and I get up and pull her up with me

" very proud of you...I hope that your future endeavors give you as much life as it should" I say causing her to smile

"And I hope that your music...your art..leads you to a road that is nothing but positive...and I hope that you can leave the vicious cycle that your family is in" She says and I smile back at her

"Walk me out.....I already said bye to your family which was hard enough" Jania continues

"Sure" I say as I take her hand and walk out of the studio with her , we walk down the hallway as I feel the emotions coming out a bit more

We make it to the front entrance and out the door before we're right in front of Empire

"Well....this is it" I say sadly as I feel the tears ready to come out

"Yea....God this is difficult" She says as she laughs a little, I let out a laugh too before looking into her eyes

"Be safe ok" I say and Jania nods

"You too...bye Shelby" She replies,

"Bye Jania" I say, I pull her into a hug before we both pull away, I sigh as she smiles at me one last time before walking off to her car, I see her let out a deep breath before looking at me and waving

I wave back and she gets in the car and drives off, I watch the car head down the street as I try to keep the tears at bay but when I don't see her car anymore I feel the tears start flowing as I stand in the stairs of empire

I lay on the grass as I stare up at the sky in just empty thought

"You's crazy how much time has gone by.....yet I haven't changed one bit...I owe it all to you" I say as I turn my head and look at my mother tombstone

"You made me the person I am...that not even money can change me...and thanks to you and you teaching me that money can't change only improves situations" I say before turning back to the sky

"And your mother was very keen on that" I hear a voice says causing me to sit up and see my father standing next to me with flowers in his hands

"How you know I was here" I say confused, he smiles and walks over to me before bending down and changing the flowers out

I notice the flowers he has are my mothers favorites, I look at my father skeptically as he stands back up

"I knew that the one person you'd talk to after Jania left was your mother.....and I come here to replace her flowers from time to time" He says looking from me to my mother tombstone

"She loved white roses" I say looking at him

"I know....she would pester me about getting her these if I wanted to take her out..I gave her this type of flower when she gave birth to you" He says causing me to look at him, Luscious puts his hand out and I take it as he helps me up

"You wanna make her proud don't you" Luscious says and I nod

"Then work on your craft.....don't let this girl bring you down..let's go" He says as he guides me out of the graveyard

I sit in the back as Snoop dog performs, I poured everything into my album and the marketing part was easy for me and my team but running empire hasn't left my mind really at all

My brothers had more prep time for this than I did but the part that gets me is that my father sees different in me like I can feel it

" gon be up there soon" Becky says and I smile a bit

"Yea I know....just got a lot to think about" I say as I see Hakeem come up on stage, I feel like I haven't been an artist for long enough...but this business

It needs a lion..not some baby cubs

"I'm take over the empire and leave with ya bitch I'm gone" I hear Hakeem rap, I look up to see Hakeem walk off with my father behind him and I instantly get up and follow

"Hakeem" My father calls out, Hakeem turns around and before he can do anything, my father straight punches him in the mouth

"Yo dad chill....let me handle this" I say and I hold him back, he looks at me as he straightens out his suit, I look to Hakeem who looks at me and my father before spitting blood at his feet

"Dad....go handle marketing and the press...I got him" I say and my father nods and leaves

I follow Hakeem out as his pose goes with him

"Hakeem" I yell causing him to turn around

"You with him ain't know what he did" He yells at me  and I look at him twisted

"Don't start yellin at me and assuming shit, I don't know what he did but you just fucked any chance of you getting this empire you realize that...there won't be an empire if this IPO don't go through" I say angrily

"You don't know how shit works around competing just like me and you only comin to me because your worried about losing to us" He says and as he comes towards me

"Yo I'm not the enemy...don't make me one over some shit I'm not involved in" I say as I step to him as well and his pose pushes me, I look at the little mothafucka that pushed me and they move away quickly

Scary ass bitch

"You'll understand how things work around here soon...but this empire is mine" He says before walking off

I watch him and his band of losers and freeloaders walk off as I just glare but fix my face as I realize something and I immediately smirk

He gon lose.....he wasn't fit anyway

A/n hellooooooooo been MIA on this story for a bit but hi I'm not back but I remember to write lmao


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