She nodded before resting her head on his shoulder again, "Thank God."


He kissed the top of her head before resting his cheek on it again. He heard her start to pray quietly under her breath and he took her hand and intertwined their fingers. He hoped God heard it and helped TJ. 10K had never been taught how to pray and even after going with Bailey to Ray's weekly discussion groups he was still new to it and was afraid of doing it wrong, so he stayed quiet just hoping with all his might that TJ would pull through. He remembered when Charlie was in the NICU as a newborn and how Doc had given him hope by saying "look who inherited her Papa's cockroach gene." when she'd been bouncing back and recovering. He knew TJ had inherited his sharp aim but apparently he'd also gotten 10K's tendency to end up in life threatening situations.

The nuke. The missile launcher. The anthrax. His fight with Cassandra. Almost being hung. The collector with the shock collars. Being hung upside down from a tree as zombie bait. The exploding submarine. Jumping off a bridge into rapids. The asylum. Murphytown. Mount Casey. The Great Pile. Mount Weather. The Black Rain. Losing his hand. Being held hostage at West Park. Getting stuck in that burning building. And most recently being stuck for twelve hours in a lobby rigged to explode.

Please God, he thought to himself, please let TJ have inherited whatever gene I have that helps me survive it all.

Bailey POV

It wasn't until another hour later when Doc came out of the O.R. again. It had easily been the longest hour of her life. Even counting the past twelve she'd spent with Estes holding her and the others against their will. At least then it had been her and Tommy in danger, and they both knew how to take care of themselves, they both had had to fight through the apocalypse, they both knew how to survive. But TJ was only a child, a child shouldn't know what it's like to be shot, to have an operation like this, to have to fight for your life.

Tommy was the first one to spot Doc and shot out of his chair as he stood and Bailey was only a millisecond behind him as they walked over to Doc. He raised his hands at them palms up before he spoke, trying to calm them down.

"He's finally stable." Were the first words out of his mouth and Bailey felt a huge pressure fall off her shoulders. She could see the relief written across Tommy's face too and she took his hand and rubbed his knuckles. She felt him squeeze her fingers so she brought her free hand to his too and patted the back of his hand.

"The bullet hit his lung – but not badly." Doc quickly amended since this was the first Bailey had heard about the details of her son's injury. Part of her wanted to slap Tommy in the arm for not telling her while at the same time she was glad he hadn't filled her in. There had been enough reasons for her to fall apart without knowing all the details. "It scraped along the side of the lung slicing it open, Hastings repaired it but they're working on getting the blood out of his airway and fixing up a rib that fractured. After they stitch him up they're going to need you for a blood transfusion if you can do it."

Tommy nodded vigorously, "Yeah, absolutely, anything."

"Okay, take a breath." Doc said resting his hand on Tommy's shoulder, "It's still going to be a couple hours. Hastings wants to be sure everything is done right before they sew him up and put him on a breathing machine so the lung can heal better."

10K nodded his head and let go of her hand as he went back to pacing the hall moving out of Doc's reach. Their boy was going to have a tube shoved down his throat so some machine could breathe for him. It put Bailey on edge and she turned to Doc.

"They have enough meds to keep him unconscious right?" She asked.

"Yeah, they're going to keep him out until he can breathe on his own again." Doc assured her.

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