Start from the beginning

He couldn't help but smirk again. ''Eager, are we? Come on, I'll take you to my room. Come on..." he repeated and then she turned around, facing him.

She had tears rolling down her face, as she raised her eyes at him and took his offering hand. Draco held her small hand in his, and left the party with her.

As they were making their way to his dorm, they were both quiet. He knew she was ready for him, but he wouldn't give her what she wanted. First, she had to pay for everything she had done to him.

He wasted no time when they entered his room. He led her to his bed, and laid her down.

''Do you want this?'' he asked, as his eyes were gazing up her body.

She nodded. ''Yes. Please. Or I'll go crazy...''

That's all he needed to hear. He took her dress off, slowly. He saw her trembling underneath him.

A thought passed through his mind, when he saw her in her hot underwear. What if he fucked her, for real?

He really wanted to, he needed to feel her around him, to hear her screaming his name while he fucked her and after her climax.

''Screw the plan, fuck her for real,'' a voice said in his head.

But this time, his ego was greater than his need. He wanted revenge. And he would take it, no matter what.

As he started getting his shirt off, the door flew open.

There stood a shocked and hurt Theodore, and a very satisfied Felicity.

''Success!'' Draco thought, as he was putting his shirt back on.

Theodore was looking at them, his jaw to the ground. ''What the fuck are you two doing?'' he asked, his voice barely audible.

Athena took her dress from next to her, quickly dressing her semi naked body. ''Theodore, it's-''

''It's not what I think it is? Really, Athena? That's all you have to say?'' he was now yelling.

Draco was watching them, enjoying the chaos he had created. But he had to speak.

''Theodore, relax man. We were just messing around with each other,'' he chuckled, amused.

Theodore's shocked expression changed into a furious one. He immediately got over to where Draco was, and punched his jaw.

''You fucker! I thought you were my fucking brother!'' he yelled, as he grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.

Draco felt fury taking over him, and he punched him back. ''Chill the fuck out Nott, it's not like she's your fucking girlfriend! I can fuck her if I want!'' he seethed.

That drove Theodore over the edge. They started fighting, punching each other, blood everywhere.

Felicity and Athena tried to get stop them, but there was no use. Thankfully, Andrew and Blaise appeared, and dragged them away from each other.

Blaise was holding Theodore, and Andrew was holding Draco. They were both badly bruised.

''I will fucking kill you!'' Theodore yelled, trying to break free from Blaise's hold.

''Fucking show me how!'' Draco yelled back.

''What is going on here?!'' they heard a stern voice yell.

They all turned around and saw Snape standing at the door, fuming with rage.

''Oh fuck...'' Blaise muttered.

No one was talking. They were all staring at him, not being able to move a muscle.

When Snape's eyes fell on Athena, he froze. Athena gulped, feeling tears forming in her eyes.

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