Connection Terminated

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The monster was defeated. That was a certainty, due to our training, learning, adapting, and conquering.

What was not so certain was the main fight itself at the time, regardless of how stacked it seemed. Katsuki spearheaded the fight we all had been dreading, while I supported him.

It was a dance that he was not fluent in, but still improvised to great effect. Izuku read every move, while Katsuki did his best to be unpredictable, but it wasn't enough for the two of us. Even as more of Class A joined in the fight, it wasn't enough. Izuku was berserk, and a berserker cannot be interrupted, even by death. Even though we outnumbered him 21 to one, he still beat them back. Quite a few members died that day. Ojiro, Kaminari, Shoji, Mineta, Iida, Koda, Yaoyozaru, Todoroki... all gone, all dust.

Class B arrived to help, but they ended up faring worse. Only Kendo, Setsuna, Kurio, and Ibara survived. We... I had no choice. I used one of those accursed bullets and stuck one into his back. Katsuki... he sacrificed himself for us. He let himself get stabbed through the heart so he could do the same. Two nemesis until the end, put to rest.

This is what you wanted, wasn't it? I haven't been honest with Izuku, because I knew you were there. Watching, reading his mind like an open book, anticipating events as they unfold, influencing our world... but it wasn't enough. You all got what you wanted, the rise of your 'Blood God', the death of Katsuki, Toshinori... your perfect ending, right?

But... I believe you are all still... unsatisfied. Unsatisfied with the results. Many of you called for blood when Eri died, and still lack... catharsis. Even with his death.

You are probably wondering how I know of you. I learnt many things during my forced exile. My quirk grew, exponentially, unlocking Izuku's capabilities in the process, his interface with the world, and immortality... one with my power would now be called a goddess... but that is just a twist of fate, the result of the inevitable singularity of quirks.

I will now be forever alone.

Regardless, I've been able to hear you all, goading him to doing certain things, unleashing your rage against us, against those who deserve it or not. You believe your cause to be right, when it is so wrong to hear.

Now that Izuku is gone, there is no reason to hide my intentions, is there? I am all that is left. The one entrusted to protect the Syndicate, and organize the world's freedom. And that's what I am doing now.

I do not believe you are my enemy. Not anymore. You all used to hate me, that much is true... and warranted... but now... you wish me well. But I do not trust this 'author' you refer to. Which is why I now give this ultimatum to them:

Leave my world in peace, and I will not be forced to arm this world against you. If you are as strong as I think, then you have many more toys in your grip, and no longer have a use for this one. I can fight back. And I won't hesitate to defend the rest of my family against your ill intentions. You played us as puppets on a stage for their amusement, and I will cut those strings away. You've broken us to the point of no return, and if you continue, there will be consequences.

You have been warned, goddess. Do not come back.

- Connection To Technodeku World Terminated -



Connection Failure.

Reason: Jamming From Deity, World Not Under Author Control

World No Longer Responsive To Outside Influence.

The End.

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