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Izuku walked into a quiet, shadowy alleyway. It was near midnight, a half moon hidden from him by the buildings stretching up into the sky. However, a figure landed behind him, cloaked in the dark. "Good to see you again, Izuku."
Not even turning around, he walked on, "When out in public use my title."
The figure caught up to him, revealing it to be stain, as covered in rags, chains, and spikes as he was, his two chipped and worn katanas on his back. They would break soon if he didn't get them repaired. "Very well, Techno. You still haven't explained that to me."
He sighed. It wasn't something he'd understand. The Chat was insistent on the name, and it had stuck. Why? No idea. "Maybe another time. I can see you have been doing well."
He nodded, a grin clear on his noseless face. "Yes. My work carries me forward."
An eyebrow raised under his mask, he asked, "You realize your path will never win?"
"As long as I make the desired impact, it does not matter."

Izuku really didn't want his sensei to get himself hurt, or worse. He was already making sloppy mistakes, having almost been caught the other day. "Thinking like that will get you killed."

He acknowledged that point with a grunt... but what he said. "But the legacies will last."

"Legacy-legacy... what is a legacy? It's planting seeds in a garden you never get to see."

As the saying goes. No sacrifice. No victory.

Deciding to shelve that debate, which neither side has won to date. "... who is the next target?"
Without hesitation, he stated. "Ingenium."

Grinning, he agreed to go along with it. Even though he knew that Ingenium used his money for good reasons, there was no dissuading his sensei when he had his mind on something. "That's a shame. For him."

Wait a minute, Ingenium's one of the good ones!

Hold up, he aint that bad.

He ignored the Chat's protests as they got to work.

The next few days, the heroes were frantic due to the team up between Stain and the Blade. Each was formidable on their own, but the two of them were near unstoppable. Most heroes in Hosu worked in partnerships of two for safety, but since Mirko refused, the hero Native was on his own.

He patrolled an area in downtown Hosu, trying to help everyone he could. His quirk wasn't a powerhouse or flashy quirk, but he made up for it by helping in ways others didn't consider. His quirk allowed him to track down any target if he received a single detail on them, instrumental for manhunts and priority targets... and he just heard Stain's voice. He could tell because he had heard an audio snippet from a recording device on Ingenium. He tried to call Mirko, but it only went to voicemail. Damning his situation, Native tried contacting Endeavour's agency, but he lost signal when he went into an alleyway. When he rounded the corner, he found Stain ready for him.

He grinned, clearly amused by the hero's "You found me."
Crap. However, putting on a brave face, he started to back away, tensing for a fight. "So I did."
However, the man smirked, approaching him. "You realize I'm not alone?"

A blade was held to his throat from behind. Razor sharp, he could feel it against an artery. "Battling enemies often require misdirection. You fell for our trap, Native."

Stain asked him directly. "Why are you here? Fame? Wealth?"
Native glared at him, "Just to stop you hurting anyone else." It actually impressed the man behind him, not that he could see him. 

The noseless man sneered at him. "I don't hurt anyone who is innocent."
He actually fired back, knowing that wasn't true. "That's not true! You hurt Ingenium! Nobody you've gone after deserves to die."
Seemingly amused, the hero killer stated what he saw as "A flaw in your argument... what about the worst of the worst?"
"Convict and make them pay legally."

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