Deception is the Purest Form of Warfare

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Inko waited on the rooftop, watching the time go by. She stood in her hero costume, its emerald sheen matching her hair. At midnight exactly, a voice sounded behind her. "So, you actually came alone. I was expecting an ambush."
She turned and found him, unarmed. Or at least appearing to be. The regal cape could hide any number of threats within. However, what she wanted to know was who this person was, not the danger they posed. "Izuku... is it actually you?"
He smiled slightly, and knew how she figured it out. Granted, he wasn't being subtle, but most people don't pay attention to small details. "So, Nezu translated what I said."
"Please, don't get my hopes up..."
With wide arms, he admitted, showing that he had nothing on him save the clothes on his back: "It's me."

"I..." she ran to him and hugged him, crying. Her tears were messy, but the intention was completely pure. She had never wanted to be a bad mother to either of her children, and she admitted to her own faults there and then, unprompted. "I missed the chance to watch my baby boy grow up through my own neglect. I... I can't get those memories back... How can I make it up to you?"
"When I ran away, I held hatred for all of you. You two ignored me for a decade, showering Izumi with praise and ignoring her faults... I won't forgive yet... but I can forget. You're already on your way through your actions. However, you're only at tier 1 of my trust so far. To get to the familial trust you want, it will take a lot of effort. Will you try?"
"Of course. I want to be the mother I should have been."
He smiled.

She did want to know for certain, however. "Can... can I see your face?"

"It has changed since... Well, that's a tier 3 secret. But to answer your question, sure, I guess." He took the pig-skull mask off. It was clearly Izuku, but older, with more defined features. His freckles were gone, but his eyes still carried the same spark that she remembered when he was young.

Reaching forward, she hesitated to cup his face, but doing so after he gestured that she could. "You became such a handsome young man... I'm sorry..."

"Shh... just work on moving forward... focus on who you want to be, and become that person."

"I'll try."

He smiled warmly before putting the mask back on. "I have things I need to do. I was recently abandoned by... Pater's oldest rival. I need to save someone before they its too late."
At the mention of saving someone, Inko immediately offered her assistance. "Can't I help?"
He sighed, not quite expecting that eagerness, but not wanting any... interference. Even from a place of good intentions. "Unfortunately... all I can ask is for you to stay out of my way." He turned and started heading back the way he came.

Unwavering, she knew that he would not accept her help directly. But... if she can know why, then maybe she can help in other, subtler ways. "Can I ask why you're so dedicated?"
"... same reason you remain loyal to pater..." He glanced back. "Love." He left, melting into the shadows. The last thing she saw was a glowing red eye as he left her view.

As he left Inko to ruminate on her thoughts, he pulled out a second burner phone. This one was a very particular person, with the contact listed as Sensei Stain. The man didn't care for names, but Stain was the one that stuck after... well... his 'Stain on society' quote. "Hey, I'm calling in that favor from 4 months ago."

The voice on the other side was rough, and experienced. To be expected from his old sensei, who taught him every sword skill he needed, and the basics. The rest he picked up on his own, just as he did. "What do you need?"
There was only one thing he needed. The counterforce, and through the grapevine, he knew exactly where to go. "I need contact with the Shie Hissaki."

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