Meeting the Asset

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Overhaul explained Izuku's role to him as they walked the corridors. "Our operation is delicate, so any information about it must not leave this base."


"Do you have bodyguarding skills?"
"I can be a stellar one if the situation calls for it."

"Right. Our main asset is vulnerable and susceptible to the hero doctrine. She is very... what they would call, innocent. After the failure of the last bodyguard, I happen to need a new one. You know the price of failure."

"Indeed. I can only imagine."

"Good that you understand this. You already know my quirk... what is yours?"
"I'm quirkless."
"You are?" That caught all of the Yakuza off guard.

"Yes. Have been all my life. My life has been hell for it, so I tried to make the world better."
"Good. You will be helping in that process. Here is your room. It is comfortable, and across from your charge."

"How did you make both the most powerful villain in the world and the most powerful hero hate you?"
"Because I won against them once."

"You have fallen far."
"The price to pay to win the war. Divert, distract. Show weakness to build strength."

"Sun Tzu..."

"Of course you would know it, you've had to live that way most of your life."

"I'm glad one of my associates understands the importance of a sound mind. Get used to your accommodations, and the way things work. In an hour report back here, and you'll meet the asset."

"Alright. Thank you for your hospitality."
"All I ask is you prove your worth."

"Don't worry. I will."
Overhaul gave a glance, but left soon after.

The next hour was hell. He had set up his equipment very quickly, but then the screams started. Young, a small girl's screams. They echoed a cacophony of pain throughout the facility. And it made Izuku furious. This poor girl was experiencing a hell ten times worse than his own, but he couldn't do a thing. I swear, I will end Chiskai myself after this is over. Child Abuse is far worse than anything else besides tyranny. I will make him suffer.

After that symphony of torment, Izuku heard a knock outside his door. Opening it, he found Chiskai and the girl in question. She was 6, with silver hair and a small horn. "Ah, Blade, this is Eri, the asset. She will be under your supervision until I say so. Clear?"

"Perfect. Try to keep her complacent."

"I will try."

After Chiskai left, Izuku got to Eri's level. She was trembling. Instead of saying anything, Izuku hugged her gently. He gave the appearance of benevolence, but was seething on the inside about what that monster was doing to Eri.
"Shhh... I will never hurt you."
Unused to this feeling, she started to cry. "Who... are you?"
"My name is Techno. I am known as the Blade. I am your caretaker."

"What do you want me to call you?"

"Whatever you want to."

She sensed genuine kindness, something none of the other Yakuza showed her. "Will you never leave?"
"I won't."

"I don't want you to get hurt..."
"I won't."

Her stomach grumbled.

"Do you want something to eat, Eri?"
"I'm not allowed to..."
"Here, go in your room. I'll get you something."


She did as she was told. And he went to go find some food for the malnourished girl.

As he searched for the kitchen, he ran into a Yakuza with bangs covering the right eye."

"Aren't you supposed to be with the child?"

"She was hungry."
"Overhaul was clear. No food outside her meal times."
"Can I get something for myself?"
"Sure. Kitchen's that way." He thumbed behind himself. "Serve yourself."

"Thanks. Who are you, again?"

"Toya Setsuno."


"That's it?"
"That's it. I abandoned my given name ages ago."

"I see. Well, I won't keep you. Boss get's mad when you're off duty too long."

"See you around."

When Izuku returned to Eri, he had brought an Apple. He couldn't make anything too complex, as it would arouse suspicion, so he brought something healthy and sweet.

"Eri? I brought you a piece of food. I'm sorry I couldn't get you more."

"That's ok... I don't want you to get hurt because of me."

"Don't worry about it. Here." He handed her the apple, and a small golden tiara he'd made. "It's the least I can do."

He watched as she ate. I promise I'll get you out of here. You deserve to be happy.

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