Failure isn't the End, just a learning experience.

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Hagakure, Sato, and Sero camped on top of the mountain top, overlooking the work camp. The "heroes" enforced their order through a variety of methods, all of them brutal. "So, what do you think is the best strategy?"
"I could create a diversion, although it wouldn't last very long in all honesty."
"It's too risky."

Hagakure thought aloud, "Hm... do you still have those detonators that Izuku gave you?"
Sero responded, "Yeah. 13 in total."
"This is a stealth mission then."
"You have a plan?"
"I do! Alright, Sato, you'll be watching from a distance. Sero and I will make our way into the place, stick some charges to important equipment and buildings, then let 'er rip when we're out of the blast zone."
"Sounds good. I'm not a very stealthy person anyways."

The duo snuck down into the area, carefully avoiding patrols and barbed wire as they entered the complex. They split up after checking if the comms worked.

Hagakure entered the main garage, where she put in the explosives, checking to make sure they were live, and moved on. Things seemed to be going smoothly until a helicopter arrived to the open area, and a VIP, or someone with that impression stepped off. All she could see from that distance was a green hoodie, a white mask, and cargo pants. A rifle was slung over their back.

"This Mission is canceled, we need more intelligence on the new arrival!"

"I almost have the last charge on though..."
"Don't do anything stupid Sero...!"

However, just then, the hoodied person noticed something and pointed it out to the other guards. They rushed and Sero called out. "Damnit, how'd he see me?!"

He tried to run, but the hooded person slowly brought his rifle to bear... then fired a single shot, straight through his leg. Slowly walking to him, Sero tried to crawl away, but was unsuccessful, as he was dragged up into the air by his throat. Their metal hand causing him to bleed slightly as the pressure on his throat made it hard to breathe.

The voice was softer, but commanding, "Where are your friends?" It was an air of calm that put everyone on edge.

"I'll never tell you..."
"So there were others here..." to a commanding officer he told them, "Go, search for more."

They nodded and left, leaving the hooded man with Sero. Hagakure watched with baited breath as he gripped Sero's throat. "Where are they?"
"I'll never tell..."

"... are you really that determined, Sero?"

"How do you know me?"

"..." All he did was take off his mask. Hagakure couldn't see what Sero did, but he was wide eyed. "You... you are a traitor to everything being a hero stands for!"

"I did what I had to. For everyone. It's not my fault you are too blind to help build the world you want..."
"Maybe I'll do what Izuku failed to do, at least I'll go out, with a bang!" Sero pressed the detonator, which detonated all of the armed charges. Toru was only able to get out of the way as the digger next to her exploded. After the series of detonations, She looked around, finding the hooded person perfectly fine, while Sero was blown to pieces. Guards rushed to him, bringing Sato with them. "Sir, we have 24 casualties and 44 injured. We captured his accomplice." He turned and looked at him. "You're also not going to tell where your friends are?"

He remained silent.

"Well, then, take him away, put him with the others. Repair what can be salvaged." When they left him alone, he turned to look around, stopping at Hagakure's position for a second, and she could see his face clearly. It shocked her that he was acting calm and collected. His robotic red eyes seemed to pierce her soul, before moving on, back to where he was initially headed. Bakugo... what happened to you?

Izuku waited at a building across from the Ivory tower, with Uraraka and with Tsu. "How are we doing this?"
"This'll be a quick in and out operation." He pulled out a ballista, a complex device made from wood, rope, and metal. "This ballista will fire a harpoon into the building. We go in, rescue Inko and Eri from where I know they are, and get out just as quickly."
"How do you know where they are?"
"I received a note. This... I person... is very helpful."

"I don't like it... it's too easy."
"It's the best plan we've got, though, ribbit."
"Unfortunately, it's the best I can come up with. Here, take these... they'll get you up the rope as quickly as possible." He handed them one gadget each, an automated zipline. A helicopter was leaving from the top of the roof. "He may be gone. This is the best chance we have. Setting up Ballista..." Izuku set it down on the floor, and calibrated it's aim. He also bolted it into the floor.
"Alright, ready... fire!" It fired the massive harpoon, arcing through the air, and penetrating the white stone of the building. The mechanisms pulled the rope taught, allowing for the automated ziplines to go up. "I'll go first."
"Shouldn't I? I can nullify gravity."
"Yes, but I can't die."
"It's a secret."
Izuku looped the gadget onto the rope, and pressed on. It accelerated him across the gap, up and to the window. He pulled out his sword, and stabbed the glass below him. It shattered, allowing them entry. Uraraka followed close, with Tsu last into the building. There were no alarms, and they found a shocked Inko.

"Mater. It's good to see you..."
"Izu?" She ran over and hugged him, crying."
"What's the matter?"
"They moved the little girl. Somehow they knew you were coming, or Toshinori... oh god, maybe he will use her like the Yakuza..."

Izuku was furious. "We didn't come equipped to storm this place. We will have to withdraw..."
"I feel so terrible..."
"We won't leave empty handed. Just that all of the possible objectives are not fulfilled."

"I... I can't go... If you take me... then Eri will be alone."

"But we need you..."
"Izu, she needs me more."
He gritted his teeth. "Very well. I understand having a duty higher than myself..."

"I have a note for you from a mysterious I..."

Izuku took it and read it quickly. "Alright... I see, things have changed. I'm sorry I cannot rescue you right away, Mater."

"What does it say?"
"Well, Let's just say, an old ally is back in the fold. And learnt some new tricks. C'mon. I have a new objective for now."

They slid back down the line and cut it just as guards came to check on her. Since she wasn't gone, they organized to have the window replaced with a more durable variant. Looking back, Izuku wondered if he made the right choice, but no matter the cost, he had to find the co-ordinates on that note. It would change the course of the Japan's future.

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