A Little Heart to Heart

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The Syndicate were to make themselves well known today. But while they were preparing, Izumi wanted to apologize to one more person. One she hadn't seen since she went to UA... that being, Nurse Yūshūna Kankoshi. She rested, and Izumi knocked quietly on her door. "Come in."
She opened the door, and quietly stepped into the room.

"Hello young one..."
"What's your name?"
"I... Can you make a promise to me first?"
"I'm not proud of who I used to be. I hate them, and what they believed... and I caused a lot of pain... to Izuku... and to you, in the end. Can you promise to give me a second chance?"
She squinted, "Who are you?"
"I can tell by your voice... that you have a lot of inner pain... that you hold true regrets... and I promise I will give you a second chance..."
"My name is Izumi Yagi."
"You..." She sighed. "You grew up. Finally. Was it because Izuku knocked some sense into you?"
"When Izuku tried to commit... when he ran away... I reflected on what it meant to be a family. For all of us. Mom couldn't handle it, and it tore her up, just as my own regrets did that to me."

"Well, If Izuku forgives you, like I heard he did, then I have no reason to hate you. I forgive you."
"Thank... Thank you..."
"Now, go beat some sense into your father."

Izumi laughed gently. "Yeah... like he'll listen now. I'll try."

"Good girl."

Bakugo was at his room within the tower. Chained and pinned to the wall was his mother: Mitsuki, and she was furious with the gag forced onto her mouth. Toshinori had been true to his word, and given her to him as a "reward"... the person who was supposed to support him, who always called him weak, never enough... was right there. It would have been so easy to start the torture... but no matter how much he wanted to, he couldn't. He sat down on the end of the bed, opposite her.

"I.... I have been thinking lately. I had the time, and every time I think about you, all I have is one question: Why?"

She stopped trying to yell through the gag and tilted her head in confusion.

"Was I never enough? Was there something you saw in me that you couldn't stand? Why did you... you always cared for Izumi, for Izuku... but yet you still called me weak, pathetic, even before you knew what I did. I had a great quirk, I was top of my class, and yet I wasn't enough... so why?" A single tear streaked down his face.

"You beat me, but showed so much care for everyone else. You called me names, drove me to prove myself through my insecurities. Everyone else saw me for my quirk, but you didn't even seem to see me as human, as your son, so WHY?!" He stood up and approached her.

"A mother doesn't act like you. I hate you!" He punched, cracking the wall next to her head. "Even though I hate you... I... I can't bring myself to hurt you. I fail every time I try... both you, and Izuku..." His tears streamed down faster and faster as his emotions flared. "I just don't know why the world seems to hate me so much... I was only seen for my quirk, which he took from me... I'm trying my best to be the person everyone wants, but I can't... I just can't..." The metaphorical dam broke, and he sobbed into his mother's shoulder.

Her eyes were wide, as she only now realized the pressure he was under to be the best... and how she had inadvertently broken him. God, Inko and I are terrible mothers. I'm worse for not realizing it until now!

"I know you hate me... I hate you too... but I can't bring myself to actually feel that hatred. I..." He sighed, wiping away his tears. "I am going to let you go. Heroes don't torture their parents... and I want to be a hero."

"Alright, here is the plan... because Toshinori knows that I have portals throughout the place, and that I have used them in tactics before, he'll expect something similar to AFO's engagement. That is not how we are going to operate. We are going to have a full on revolution... and make it hard for them to fight back. I also have improved gear for all of you. Are you ready?"


Each syndicate member went through a different portal, inspiring open rebellion from citizens tired of living without their civil liberties... and heroes were now having a tough time keeping the peace. Without police forces, only heroes to try to keep things calm, the people knew exactly who deserved their ire. Those who would fight back were armed with gear. Those who weren't were just told to leave or stay out of their way.

The resistance was effectively enclosing the Heroes in a massive circle. They were unable to do much, not wanting to hurt the people they were duty bound to protect, while at the same time forced to confront them. Many corrupt heroes took this in stride, but many pros couldn't fight them back, and let themselves be captured.

Izumi and Izuku strode together towards the hero commission building. Jirou and Kirishima were a part of their group, as their logistical support. At the first sign of true trouble, they would leave for their teammates, in order to gain reinforcements. Each group from the syndicate, as they rouse the people in revolution, were to follow that pattern. Two frontline fighters, two logistical supports.

"Things are going well for everyone." Jirou reported.

"Good. We're almost at the accursed tower." Izuku responded back.

However, the perimeter around the tower ahead had defenses set up. Both automated and human. They were already active, two groups had made it ahead of them. It made it difficult to deal with, as many of the Syndicate didn't have quirks or gear to take them on. "Hagakure's and Iida's groups are pinned down. Uraraka's throwing rubble at the walls, but she's not able to keep up with them."

"Right, Kirishima, Jirou. I think it's best if you reinforce them. You should still have some Dynamite I gave you."
They nodded, and departed, going their separate ways.

"You know what I'm thinking?"

"It's risky... and completely unexpected by the enemy."

"Especially with you here. You've unlocked mother's Telemetry, correct?"

"I have. My time in that place had been a great training ground... to get back to our roots... just give me a moment..."

As she focused, purple particles swirled through the air, rising from the ground around the two of them. With her eyes closed, she reported to him. "We will be arriving in the middle of the courtyard, behind the defenses. Prepare...3...2...1..."

They both shifted to the place. They, both with swords drawn, against at least 40 people. Izumi smiled calmly at the situation. "So, they outnumber us 20 each, huh?"

Izumi smiled, "Then it is an even fight. We win these." She charged up with purple lightning as she tensed for battle. Izuku brought out potions of strength and speed, waiting for an invisible signal to begin... then tossed the bottles on the ground, dousing the two of them in their effects as they ran to begin the fight.

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