The Syndicate

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Native performed admirably, and brought all of Class A to the nether. Leading them forward, they were awed by the new fortress. "When did he have the time...?"
"I don't know. All I know is that he wanted me to bring you here..." They entered it and were relieved by the air conditioning.

"It even has AC..."
"How does he power it?"
"I don't know..."

As they walk through the complex, Mirko limped past them.

Native was astounded, "What happened?"
"Training... I need to get better. I've been imprisoned far too long..."

"Heading to Nurse Kankoshi?"

"No, just to bed." As she talked, her wounds seemed to heal before their eyes. "He gave me something to help. See you later."
"Later..." Native finally led them to the main center room of the fortress... and found Izuku sitting at the other side of a round table. "I see you've returned, Native."
"I brought the list."
"Good. You can stay if you want, but you no longer owe me."

"Right. I'll stay for now."

"I would like Mirko to be here... could you fetch her for me?"

"She just went to rest..."
"Ok, then can you get her in an hour then?"

"Thank you." He then talked to everyone. "Please, take a seat. There are more than enough here."
"Why did you call us?"
"I wanted you to know that if you need a haven, this place is available. It has many amenities, from training gyms, to even wifi back to the overworld."
"I also wanted to consult with each of you the plan I have moving forward. I am going to create a... syndicate, with each of you as founding members."
"What difference does this have to his regime?"
"The syndicate's members are equal. Nobody leads, and action is based on consensus or if you want to do something. Notice this table? In Aurthurian legend, he used a round table for a similar purpose, as even though Arthur was a king, his knights had equal say."

"You won't force us to do anything?"
"I'm glad to see you take my teachings to heart, Kirishima. No, nobody will be forced to do anything. Mirko and Native have already agreed to join, but I wanted to ask you all as well."
Every one in the room agreed to join. "If it works like you say it will, then we will have nothing to worry about."
"It will rely on everyone's trust. Because if one of us turns traitor, we all are at risk. Not that I expect that to happen, but it is still a possibility."

Even with that, they all agreed.
"Good... As of right now, all members in this room are now a part of the Syndicate. Our goal is to eradicate the regime and liberate Japan. Give it the true freedom it deserves. Is that understood?"

Everyone nodded.
"Great. Now, I have to ask, what is currently going on out there? Native has been the only one to leave the Nether into the Overworld."

"Well, you know that Allmight has imprisoned political prisoners, but what you probably don't know is that he is basically doing the same thing to the families of heroes and to quirkless individuals as well."
"That would not surprise me. Using leverage such as hostages or fear is how a dictator functions."

"They have been building something massive in southern Japan. Tsu, you actually went there..."
"They're building some kind of massive camp, similar to a mining structure, ribbit. It's purpose isn't really known yet."

"I see..."

"Trainloads of quirkless have been shipped there, forced to work on the construction of the place... and probably will end up working there."
"Just like the Nazis and Soviets... Alright. It seems that disrupting this would be in our best interests..."
Hagakure, Sato, and Sero volunteered immediately. "Good. I'll leave it to you three."

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