Negotiations Between Devils

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The interrogation room was stark of any details, but Izuku knew that both Yagis, Endeavour, Nezu, and Aizawa were behind that glass. Probably discussing him. He didn't care at the moment, leaning back and humming a gentle theme... eventually singing a stanza to get their attention and use their curiosity to force their hand. "Oh Woe to Thee, Ye People of Order, I hope your homes continue to smolder, and that you'll ne'er rise again, and leave me be and leave my friend."

Oh violence does call me, I've answered before. I'd made many enemies, I'd settled my scores...

This is my favorite song!

They must have realized it was time to begin the interrogation. Eraserhead and Detective Tsukauchi entered the room and sat down across from him. Their expressions were serious... but Izuku knew how to break the ice, so to speak. "If you're doing good cop bad cop, I think... you both look ridiculous."



Tsukauchi asked, keeping this as professional as possible. "How do you want to be referred to?"
The pinkette sighed, "Well, in the criminal underworld I'm called Techno... but I wonder if Inko and Nezu told you yet?"

Aizawa narrowed his eyes, clearly not trusting a word he'd say. "Told us what?"
That answered that question for him. They were definitely keeping the cards close to their chest. And that was how he'd frame this 'interrogation'. "Hm... maybe not. Call me Techno then."
The detective was certainly curious about this. "Why?"
Annoyed, he stated, "If I didn't tell Stain, my sensei, why, then why would I tell you?"
Tsukauchi whispered to the raven haired man, the underground hero. "All truths so far, except for the name itself."
Techno nodded in understanding, overhearing him completely. "I see... I know who you are. My pater talked to you over the phone once or twice. Quirk: Lie Detector. Rather straightforward."

The detective tried one last time, "You know me... can I know you?"
However, instead of refusing, as was predicted, he actually acquiesced. What they didn't know was that he was testing who might be beyond the glass. "Well, I was going to force my family to reveal it, but I suppose this will do..." He grinned.


He grinned, "My full name is Izuku Yagi, son of Toshinori and Inko, otherwise known as Allmight and Telemetrick."

Tsukauchi blanched while Aizawa paled. Meanwhile, the pinkette laughed to himself, "What, not happy to see me, Uncle?"

"You've... changed." He elected not to finish that statement: And not entirely for the better...
He shrugged. "Well, that happens when you give up on your dream. And try to, well, you know..."

He wasn't sure he heard correctly. The two in the room knew exactly what he was referring to, because if he was truly Izuku Yagi, then he would have been quirkless, and the treatment of quirkless... well... led to a very, very high suicide rate. He was basically admitting to having attempted. "What."

However, his tone, formerly light hearted, was now serious. "You heard me."

Horror crept into the underground hero's voice. He couldn't believe it, the beacon of hope in that family, unwavering, and yet... here he was, very much not that. "Why... would you do that?"

Izuku's crimson eyes met Aizawa's dark ones. "I thought you were smart. You know what it's like right now. For people like me. I knew you'd find my... hatred... left behind."

Tsukauchi gave a glance to Aizawa, before continuing his 'investigation'. It was clear that his partner at the moment was rattled. "Neglectful parents... what else?"

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