Refocus and Reinforced Trust

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The Syndicate met back at their round table. Izuku started off with a report on his mission. "Right, My mission wasn't a success on the initial objectives... that being, to save Inko and Eri from Toshinori. However... we have something just as useful. Information on what Toshinori is up to. It sounds like he is attempting to use Eri in the same way that Overhaul did."
Everyone was furious at him, Ochako even muttering, "Bastard..."
"I have more news, but I'd like to hear how your mission went, Hagakure..."
With the silence of her peers, Hagakure quietly asked "... Izuku... what did you do to Bakugo?"

"I cut off his arms and stabbed his eyes out."
Panic laced her voice, "But you left him alive?"
Satisfaction laced his voice as he responded, "I did. I wanted him to feel the pain."

"...Sero blew himself up trying to take down Katsuki."

Incredulity peaked in his voice after hearing that. "How?"
"Katsuki spotted him as he was setting the last charge... he detonated it to try to kill him. It didn't work. Sato was also captured."
"And you know it's him?"
"I would recognize his face anywhere. I'm lucky he didn't see me."
"He has new eyes, right?"
"He could have let you go intentionally... which means he's only begun to grow in more ways than one... a worrying thought."

"You said you had news?"
"I do. Remember the notes from I?"
"Yes... the mysterious notes..."
"They knew I was going to Inko, and sent her a note. They are an ally that wants to help us, and sent us coordinates. I am going there to get them. Whoever wants to come can."
"Will this work out like last time?"
"I've checked the co-ordinates. It's in the middle of nowhere, but I can't let a possible ally remain out there away from us. They're able to send messages, but need us to help them."
Jirou asked the question on everyone's mind. "How do we know this isn't a trap?"
"I know it's not a trap."
"That's private."
Tsu asked him this time, "We have to know all of the information, Izuku."
"..." He looked over the note. "Even if I told you everything I think it says, you would not believe me. I am going whether you want to or not."

Hagakure couldn't believe what she was hearing. "You are the best chance we have to win this conflict! Don't leave us for this wild goose chase!"

The room was silent as the tension cut the room in two camps.
His voice was dangerously quiet, "Right... Is that how you see me? As a weapon?"
Toru backtracked from her near mistake, "No, but you are the one who predicted all of this. You warned us when we didn't listen... and I don't want you to fall to something you didn't predict."

Izuku sighed, taking stock in his peer's words. The advice was perfectly sound. "That's fair. Alright, let me tell you all my biggest secret, just so you can be at ease..."

They listened intently. "I cannot die by unnatural causes. Poison, Stab wounds, exsanguination, etc. When I die, my body disappears and I revive at the last bed I slept at. However, quirk canceling cuffs cancel this effect, so you all did save my life at the execution."

"That's why you offered to go first on the rope?!"
"And why you fear basically nothing?"
"Yes. I have no reason to fear death other than old age."
"That's broken."
"And Toshinori doesn't know that..."

They all smiled in relief. "I admit, I feel better knowing that you're not at risk."
"I'm honoured you all think so highly of a bastardis such as myself, but right now we need to focus. I will go investigate the coordinates, and if you don't want to go, I have the next step planned if you want to enact it."
"Sure, your plans have all gone swimmingly, last one the big exception."
"Good. Here it is, you will divide into groups of four, and start smuggling out families of key heroes who could help us when the time is right. I originally was going to use Inko in this plan, but things needed to change. Each of you will get a map with a different portal on it, just in case you are captured, that way the whole network isn't compromised. The most important ones are the ones who have quirks according to these lists. They are separated into positions of power, quirks, family location, and of course, proximity to the portals. Decide who you will save and coordinate your efforts. This cannot be done all at once."

"Consider it done."
Izuku cautioned against overconfidence, "Not until they're free."
"What do we do with them? They can't go out into Japan..."
"I have a refugee area that I developed until I can get the portal to Russia open. Native can show you."

Izuku walked through the nether, placing a path along his route as he navigated towards where he knew the coordinates would be. Kirishima joined him this time, the sole person to help him out.

As Izuku worked, he started a conversation with the dyed redhead, trying to lighten the bleak mood they carried. "It's surreal just how ridiculous our lives have become."

He snapped out of his thoughts, "What do you mean?"
"We are literally charting a course through hell to reach random coordinates in order to help an ally against a totalitarian dictator. Tell me this doesn't sound outlandish."
"You're right. But it doesn't take away from reality."

"You really have lost your humorous side."
"It's hard to be positive right now."
"Well, your positivity was one of the best parts about you. You were an emotional anchor, before you became a strategic one."

"You've done amazingly with the hand the world has given you. Take that in stride."
He smiled at his sensei's praise. "I will."

"The path of leadership is a hard one, it involves strengthening morale, creating strategies, and keeping everyone as safe as possible... the fact that nobody died until recently is a miracle, given what we're going against."
"Yeah, I just wish Sero and Sato were still here."
"As do I, Kiri. As do I." Just then, Izuku stopped. "Right. I'll need to construct a portal. Stand back."

Kirishima watched as he placed cubes of obsidian with his quirk. It was incredibly easy for Izuku, pointing a hand at where he wanted it, then a flick of his hand to place the block.

"Your quirk is just too damn good."
"It's a curse for me, Kirishima. I'm now seperated from Tenka until I reach old age... that's if my quirk isn't taken away..." He placed the last block, then looked at him. "You doubt your own quirk?"
"The tools you make can make mine worthless..."
"Not true."

"Your quirk gives you the properties of stone. Your hero training has made you stronger than when we last fought, your current strength at default is the obsidian I use for the portal here." He gestured to it. "You realize that I can't fight you and win without major preparation? And that's not even counting your unbreakable move. My quirk's only option is to outlast you, and it doesn't give me extra stamina. Don't discount yourself, Kirishima. You are far stronger than I am in raw power. Same with most of your classmates, as I fight quirkless. The only reason I can stand a chance against Toshinori, is because of my mind... and the resurrection part of my quirk. Even my crafting capability is outclassed by Momo, as her creation quirk can make literally anything, while I am limited in what I can make. You all are ready for this conflict, and far stronger than I. The fact you all saved me... proves it."
"What about Sero?"
"Sero made one serious error in judgment, but that, unfortunately, is all it takes to be fatal. He was a smart man with a unique ability which was a great utility. It's a damn shame what happened to him. C'mon, let's not waste time on the past." He quickly flicked flint and steel, lighting the portal with a dramatic gesture. "We have work to do."

Kirishima nodded, and entered the portal, followed by Izuku.

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