The Final Steps to Oblivion

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"I wonder what my quirk will be?" It's a question many ask around 4-6 years old. It's a question a particular pair asked as they waited for the results to come back. Izuku Yagi and his sister Izumi waited within the doctor's office. Inko watched her two children with warmth, as this important day would change everything.

Doctor Garaki, a respected physician and quirk scientist in his own right, discussed the results with Inko as her two children played in the adjacent room. Her husband couldn't attend due to work, but that was something to celebrate later. "Izumi has an exponentially stronger telekinesis quirk. As of right now, she can only use 5% without tearing her limbs off. What is their father's quirk?"

Inko discussed it with him, using the cover story for her husband's quirk. "Exponential strength. I suppose that would make hers a mix between ours?"
He confirmed that with a nod, looking over his notes. "She will need both mental and strength training in order to handle her quirk. Meanwhile, Izuku..."
Her eyes widened. "He has to have a good quirk like Izumi's, right?"
"As of right now, he's quirkless, but" He stressed, noting the worry on her face, "he could be a late bloomer. Come back again when they're 6 to check again. If he's quirkless then, it's likely he will be quirkless for life... unless there is an activation condition I don't know about." It was just like her husband, long ago. A potential late bloomer, just like him. Maybe it'd give him perspective? But... he'd spent so much time at the top... I just... don't know...

When the mention of Izuku's quirklessness came up, time seemed to stop for her. Inko, at that moment, didn't know what to do. She was a hero, she knew the statistics... what was likely to happen to him if he remained quirkless. In that moment, everything seemed to freeze, the future uncertain.

After arriving home, she broke the news to Toshinori. Not knowing how to react, he just paid attention to Izumi. They all did. Her quirk came in that day, alongside its potential, meant that she had potential to be a very, very powerful force for good. She received an amazing quirk! I'm not surprised they're celebrating that! Izuku thought naively. It's best to let her have her day...

She blew out the candle on her cake slice, what Izuku would come to realize was a perfect metaphor for himself. His perfect family died as quickly as the flame on the candle blew out.

That favoritism would not end after that day.

10 years later:

Izuku slowly opened his bedroom door, not letting it creak with its rusty hinges. He would have hell to pay if he disturbed any of them. While he has never faced his mother's wrath... the other two members of the family... well... let's just say the daughter takes after the father, in this case. The stress of trying to live bleached his hair to a pale silver, any trace of green long gone. His eyes were duller through fear, but still green, even if he cursed their color every day. Green and gold were his least favorite colors for a reason.

Slowly, he crept through the silent house, to the kitchen. If he made it, he could grab a bite before any of them realize, and make it to school unscathed. His joints ached as he moved, unable to properly rest. The pale haired boy only had a cot in his room, his bed sold for her to get what she wants. He had nothing to wear except a couple sets of old clothes and a couple uniforms for Aldera Middle School. Even then, they were patchy and torn, from his attempts to repair them from his... friends... actions. His walls were barren, and the only thing he truly owned was a figurine of the one hero he believed could save him. Allmight. It was old, dented, faded from years of comfort. It was the last present his mother had given him before that day. He brought it with him so she wouldn't take it, break it, or worse.

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