Forced Return

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After a month of reconstruction, Inko now realized the true tyranny Toshinori envisioned for the future. She was determined to find out what happened.

"Toshi... why are you doing all of this?"
"Doing what, Inko?"
"All of this, the crackdown on civil freedoms and rights..."
"We need to keep the people safe. This is the best method."
"It is the method that tyrants used in the past. It will not work..."

"Why are you following the mistake's line of reasoning?"
"The mistake?! Toshi, he's your son!"

"He is not my son!"
"Why do you hate him so much? He isn't quirkless anymore... for christ's sake, he is our only living child! He almost committed suicide because of you!"

"Good. He needed to think on his actions."
"Why did you never admit to our faults? You praised Izumi so much and then... then..."

"It's simple. No child of mine is quirkless."
"You were quirkless too! Do you hate yourself?!"
"I sacrificed EVERYTHING to save the world. Do not speak to me of that!"

She looked at him horrified. "So... you are beyond reasoning now. I need time to myself."

"You will not leave. Guards! Escort her to a private room..."

Izuku had a home far from Tokyo, in the middle of the snowy mountainside of Fuji. It was a place they had put their time into. He built it following Tenka's design... and what surprised him most what the guest he found waiting for him. It was a small puppy, an adorable little thing... a small tricolor corgi, just like the dog she had lost as a child. Hugging it gently, he sat by the grave he had made for Tenka. "I will fulfil your wish... but I don't want to be seen as the villain. I have given the heroes one last chance to leave me alone. I want to stay with you, but I understand that is not their intention, and the peace will be broken soon. Thank you for everything..."
He brought the puppy inside. It's name was Mon, a personally significant name to Tenka. As he gave them food, a green glitchy note appeared on the kitchen counter. Picking it up, he read it:

"Izuku, Be careful. They have found you, and will send a specialized group after you. Toshinori won't let me leave... and wants you dead. If you surrender to them, you will die. Please, flee while you can. Love, Inko."

"Damn... not even a month's rest... even so... I can't leave this place... I fear what they would do to Tenka... especially if he's involved..."

Waiting at his desk, he looked out the window. Mon hopped around him, before he picked him up and put the puppy on his lap, petting them absentmindedly. For a few hours, nothing happened as Mon fell asleep, happy from the attention. Then a new glitching effect, this time purple, dropped a note on his desk again. "THEY ARRIVE. BE READY. - I."

He stared at the note... I? If it was Inko... then why not put her whole name? Maybe she was in a rush. And when he looked out into the fog covered mountainside, he saw the silhouettes of people walking towards the house. I'll have to put that aside for now.

Quickly equipping his gear, cape, mask and crown, he exited his lodge. Approaching the group, he asked. "Why have you come to this place?"
As he feared, Bakugo turned out to be the leader of the hunting party, who was primarily made up of Class B, "You are under arrest for fucking attacking us at the end of the war, Deku!"

"I tried to reason with you, but you supported him, and now look at what has become of Japan! Tyranny and corruption, just as I said."

Class B looked uncomfotable with being retold the truth they lived, but Kendo tried to reason to Izuku, "Look, you will be coming with us... To face trial..."

"That wouldn't be a trial. That would be an execution. I will ask you to leave and never return. If you want me to stay away, then I will stay right here, in self-imposed exile."

Katsuki interrupted whatever Kendo was going to say. "You can either come with us, or we kill you here, fucking Deku!"

"There is no other way?"
She apologized. "Unfortunately... no..."

"Then I choose BLOOD!"

He slammed potion vials into the ground, and Class B had no idea what was going on. Neither did Katsuki, but he launched himself forward, only to get knocked aside. Panicking in confusion, Izuku took his chance by dashing into the group, he toyed with them as he tore them apart. Nieto Monoma, Manga Fukidashi, Hiryu Rin, and Nirengeki Shoda were all felled in a matter of moments. He was just about to decapitate Tetsu Tetsu when Bakugo yelled at him: "STOP!"

Izuku turned to Katsuki holding his puppy, aiming his palm at it's head. Pointing his sword at him, Izuku called out. "Leave Mon alone, Katsuki. If you value your life you will leave him alone."

"Like you can make demands right now, Deku. Drop everything you have. I know you always have a trick up your sleeve... so don't try anything funny or the dog gets it."

"I give my word if you put them down..."

"Only after you drop everything."

"..." He dropped his cloak, his armor, his weapons, even his tools, and allowed Reiko to float behind him and put him into quirk canceling cuffs.

"Good..." He grinned. Katsuki still held the dog.

"Please, Katsuki... I've done what you've asked. Put Mon down, please..."
"Why... is this your fucking therapy dog...?" He detonated his sweat, and the brains and skull fragments of the small puppy rained all over the crisp snow. A splatter covered half of his face. Everyone was horrified, but Izuku was furious. Crying quietly, he answered Katsuki's rhetorical question. "That was the last gift from Tenka... and you dare kill it right next to her grave... I WILL EVISCERATE YOU AND FEED YOU YOUR OWN GUTS, YOU HEAR ME KATSUKI?! I WILL BLEED YOU DRY... MAKE YOU SUFFER A THOUSAND HELLS BEFORE YOU ARE ALLOWED TO DIE! THAT IS MY PROMISE TO YOU, RIGHT NOW!"

"Oh shut up." He walked over and punched him in the face, knocking him out.

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