A Quirk?

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He awoke in his room. And, of course, the first thing he heard was a voice.

Respawn Point Set.

Confused, especially by the lack of pain, Izuku looked at his hand, noticing it was slightly more refined than his usual look. Careful to get up quietly, he immediately noticed he was taller than ever before, nearly hitting his head on the short ceiling. This building may have some extra height, but it was clear that he was. Checking the hall, he heard his family downstairs, so he carefully made his way to the restroom, only for the mirror. When he turned on the light, he had to stop himself from shouting in surprise. He was now 6' 8", basically a properly developed version of himself. His musculature was lean but still strong. His hair was long, but instead of stress induced silver, it was pink, as if blood had been used as a dye.

Yep. Definitely.

Plot Twist: Blood was used as the dye.

Ignoring them, he noticed his eyes... they had turned red. That was what shocked him the most. They were clear, cruel, calculating, and piercing rubies. Far from the fearful dark jade they used to be. Smiling, he cried a single tear as he realized that this had to be a manifestation of his quirk. And a way to finally be free of their shackles. I have a quirk... I have one... I can be a hero now... but is that what I want? He consulted the voices, as they were the only support he ever had... What is the right choice?

Blood of the heroes! Those who hurt us deserve no mercy!

They're right.

Of course we are!

None of them are worthy.

Since when have they done anything for others without themselves in mind?


He reflected back on his history studies... Of the many subjects he learned, history resonated with him. Of course, part of that was the quirkless who made up the majority of the past, but also the tactics. The Ancient Greek heroes never had happy endings... they suffered, but persevered... this era of peace is making them complacent and corrupt. There's nothing I can do... Nothing... He looked out over the city. This society is beyond saving. All of them eventually become tyranny. The only way to save everyone is to free them from their shackles.

The only way to do that is to fight. And I can't do that here.

Hear Hear!


I was hoping this story would break his Stockholm syndrome!

The Yagi family had dinner, and didn't notice Izuku's disappearance. They laughed, talked, and had a wonderful evening without him. Tomorrow was Izumi's birthday, after all, so it was good to spend time with... family...

The next day, everything was set up, and everyone was ready. Guests started to arrive, with the Bakugos being first, then Izumi's other friends. Then Toshinori's friends, Izumi's aunts and uncles arrived. Everyone was celebratory of Izumi's birthday, but one person noticed something, well, noticed the continuing pattern. "Toshinori, where's Izuku?"
Surprised, the older man asked. "What do you mean, Shota?"
The dark hero scanned the room, as if still searching for him. "It's his birthday too. You can't just ignore him."
"I'm not. He hasn't been one for celebrations, and he's grounded from his... attitude the other day."

Now that raised his eyebrow. "Really...? Seems strange." The Izuku he knew wouldn't act out unless there was something seriously wrong. While he hadn't seen the boy in a while... he did care for him, despite his uncaring attitude in the public.

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