Quenching the Blade... For the First Time

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Izuku continued to walk through the streets. All he had was a single notebook, and a backpack with basic supplies. As he walked by Dagobah beach, he found that he gained another new ability. 10 squares lined the bottom of his vision, and he had somehow picked up items referred to as "wooden remains". The voices whispered about taking stock of what he has somehow collected within his inventory. When he thought about his inventory, a screen popped up. On the left was a space for inventory, and above that was an image of himself with 4 boxes next to it for future armor to equip. Next to that, he noticed a square divided into 4. Above that, it said "Crafting". On the right was a catalogue of data, information he's collected within his notebooks, and crafting recipes for the wooden scrap he has. He can make two things: Sticks, and a... Crafting table? Quickly acting, he made it and found it in his inventory. This whole aspect to his quirk unlocked many unique and amazing possibilities. I can make things from raw materials as well as come back to life? Incredible... is there a limit to this quirk?

A message popped up on a different screen in front of him. The text was very... pixelated, but it mirrored the voices in his head. Wait... does that mean... all this time... they've been a part of my quirk?!


Not quite...

Regardless, we will always support you, Izuku!

Aw... tearing up with all the support he was getting, he decided that these voices should have a name. He couldn't tell who at any time could be speaking, so he'd just call them... Chat. As if he was reading a livestream chat log. It made the most sense at the time... but now he was more interested in what else his quirk could do. Wiping away the tears, the pink haired boy carefully tested the capabilities at his disposal, with the materials on hand. Rocks he picked up accumulated into cobblestone. Metals split themselves into base elements: Copper, Iron, and Gold. Wood was easy as pie to manipulate, and change. From those raw materials, Izuku could then make wooden, stone, and steel tools. He could forge weapons and gear all on his own. It made him a walking arsenal, yet, at the same time, he would be reliant on this gear. He was still, mostly quirkless. But that was something he was used to.

He found an actual diamond out there too. An old wedding ring, discarded for being dangerous to wear due to how the gold portion was misshapen and twisted. But when he held the diamond, he found that he had a recipe for diamond gear. The damage was reported to be higher... and so was the defence and durability.

"Amazing..." He kept it on him, and decided to wander. His tranquil stroll was interrupted by the sounds of a scuffle in an alley to his right. Looking that direction, he found a famous hero accosting a young woman. Izuku recognized him as Slidin' Go. The woman was frantic "Let me go!"

What is the Meta Liberation Army doing here?!

Wait, what? Izuku found himself questioning Chat a lot more now than he did before. They seemed to be in on some outside knowledge, stuff he didn't know. That didn't matter right now, however, as the hero was forcing himself on the girl.

Slide 'N Go continued to harass her. "No, I think we have time to spend together..." It was at this point, having seen the worst that heroes could be... what that fraud could be... the pinkette recognized this as further proof of corruption within the hero ranks. A headache stabbed at him when the Chat spoke yet again, this time, with a harsh thunder of rage: Justice must be served! WE DEMAND HIS BLOOD!




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